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Fail to Live Up to Other’s Expectations By R. Scott Rodin

Learning to lead like Jesus For everyone in leadership who wants to follow Jesus, I would suggest the best place to start is Philippians 2:7, where Paul tells us that Jesus “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.” It does not say Jesus became a man of immoral…

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The Stewardship of Your Intellect By Mark L. Vincent

If a steward leader is a steward of all the assets entrusted to them, then they are a steward of their intellect. Does that go without saying? Perhaps. And yet, acknowledging this is true is not the same as doing the work of expanding one’s base of knowledge, deliberately reducing thinking errors, distinguishing between personal…

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Business Ethics: The Trustworthy Steward By Rich Howard

Recently, I listened to a lecture on ethics in leadership by the late Howard Hendricks, a former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He spoke of his participation in a symposium at the Center for Creative Leadership, where it was determined the number one need in business leadership is ethics. In this lecture, Hendricks challenged the…

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The STEW of Steward Leadership By Mark L. Vincent

 A stew is either a mess or good to eat. One has to look at the context to know what it is. Even more, a fine meal becomes toxic over or under-rationing the ingredients or not inserting them properly. The STEW of a steward leader is much the same. The context in which they serve,…

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5 Characteristics of a Steward Leader By Kent R. Wilson

Steward leaders have their roots as far back as in ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel, where stewards ran most of the commercial enterprises, estates, farms, and even political services. They were given considerable latitude and freedom to manage the business or estate with the trust and confidence of the owner. A steward leader is someone…

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Finding The Freedom to Lead in the Dirt By Scott Rodin

Sometimes the most profound insights come to us in the simplest forms. Remember The One Minute Manager, Who Moved My Cheese, and the insights from Jim Collins that included The Hedgehog, The Flywheel, and the Big Hairy Audacious Goal? Many of us in Christian leadership believe that the Steward Leader is the most powerful biblical…

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