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3 Phrases that Mark Lifelong Learning By Mark L. Vincent

  Lifelong Learning – Three Steward Leader Phrases There are often phrases that best defines the ideals and concepts we know to be true. In this post we look at the three phrases that capture the lifelong learning journey of a a steward leader. In a forthcoming episode of the Third Turn Podcast, my co-host…

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Discover Words That Inspire By R. Scott Rodin

Words That Inspire Leaders Writing blogs on leadership always presents the challenge of articulating new ways and words to inspire and equip leaders. These blogs are meant to share unique angles on leadership practices that can inform and encourage our readers for today’s challenges. Recently, however, I’ve found myself reflecting on words of advice from…

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The Journey Center of the Path By R. Scott Rodin

A Steward’s Journey: Leading from the Center of the Path In my work through The Steward’s Journey, we equip leaders for the journey of becoming steward leaders through a process of understanding and embracing seven keys. The third of those keys reads as follows: Steward leaders are secure in their identities in Jesus Christ. They…

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Stewarding What’s Broke By R. Scott Rodin

Stewarding What’s Broke in Times of Chaos There is an adage that says, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” I would encourage leaders of Christian nonprofits to consider a different version of that saying, “If it’s broke, don’t fix it.” What do I mean by that? In working with a large number of nonprofits…

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The Battle of a Steward Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Battle Steward Leaders Encounter Steward leader. What do these words even mean? I am struggling. I am wrestling.  It’s a battle. Beyond trendy management models and pithy blog posts, God is challenging me. He is disrupting the bedrock of my soul. What does mean to BE a steward – at all the times and…

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What Succeeds a Heart Attack? By Larry Gadbaugh

Have you ever wondered what succeeds a heart attack? On November 8 I had a heart attack. It wasn’t in my strategic plan. What they call “the Widow-Maker,” since I had no family history, no health indicators, or symptoms of heart problems. But, the good news is, I’ve had good recovery, a good prognosis, and…

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Stewards of Well Done By Howard Rich

Well Done: Good and Faithful Stewardship Well done. If you are anything like me, when you think about entering Jesus’ presence in heaven I am sure you desire to hear what He said to the good stewards in the Parable of the Talents, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Have you ever thought about…

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Stewards of Our Emotions By Howard Rich

Stewarding Our Emotions as a Leader In its essence, leading as a steward requires alignment with the will of the Father. Jesus demonstrated this through intense agony and overwhelming emotions in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46) the night before his crucifixion.  This passage of Scripture shines a bright light on the humanity of Jesus…

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Our Work – Blessed by God By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

God’s Blessings on a Steward’s Good Work Work at a fevered pitch in search of approval and good results is the temptation of even the steward leader. The rat race beckons. And we rationalize. We are responsible. We are accountable. It’s all on our shoulders. As stewards, we can place ourselves in a bind –…

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A Life on Loan By R. Scott Rodin

Are you living like your life is on loan? As stewards, we understand that all of life is on loan, and we respond by living lightly in this world as caretakers of what is not ours. This results in a life of real freedom to which we respond with joyful obedience. The marks of the…

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