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Top. Middle. Bottom. By Mark L. Vincent

Top |Middle |Bottom | Steward Leaders of the Whole Top Line. Middle Line. Bottom Line. Do you have a working definition of each? Does your team members share those definitions? Do you see yourselves as the stewards of them all, even though you may have a favorite? Do you recognize the harm that could be…

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What is a Steward Leader? By Howard Rich

What defines a steward leader? I am in a conversation about leadership and begin referring to steward leaders, and the person I am speaking with gets a quizzical look on their face. The scene replays countless times. At a convenient time in the conversation, this person will graciously correct me and point out I am really…

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Stewarding the Team By Howard Rich

Stewarding a Team Towards God-given Success Stewarding a team well requires great focus. Leaders often act like they have it all together, but as a leader, I have not been feeling particularly successful lately. I have been going through a period of operating in crisis mode and managing schedules rather than leading people. We all…

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Living in a Post-Truth Culture Dr. Kip Warton

The Steward Follower Living in a Post-Truth Culture I’ve lost track of how many worldviews are present in culture today. They have morphed into existence during my journey with Christ that directly or subtly challenge truth established in Scripture. We have moved from the post-Christian to the post-modern to the post-truth culture in recent years.…

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A Leader's Legacy By Jon Hirst

A Legacy of Stewarding Leaders In our hyperactive, personality-based leadership environment, being in the front of the room with the mic in hand is the goal. Leaders want a place at the table so that their influence can grow as they share what they know. But one of the most significant leaders in my life…

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The Three-fold Process By Mark L. Vincent

The three-fold process of becoming a steward leader. By  Mark L. Vincent ~ Today, I  am revisiting the three-fold process of becoming a steward leader that Scott Rodin identifies in his book The Steward Leader.  1. Discovery Coming to a new and deepened understanding about the nature and will of God for a person. The Steward…

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The Steward's Gift By Mark L. Vincent

It is the steward’s gift to give to others after us. By Mark L. Vincent ~ To be a steward is to know in our bones that what we are responsible for was given to us with intent, and that this gift will be given to others after us. We live in a world where…

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Non-Traditional Funding By Mark L. Vincent

What is the challenge for the steward leader and non traditional funding? By Mark L Vincent ~ There is a challenge that comes with non-traditional funding. I am not a CFO, nor an accountant. I am a strategist. My life is spent developing organizations and the leaders who serve them. So, any thoughts about the…

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Cross-ing Ourselves By Mark L. Vincent

What does cross-ing ourselves reveal about what we believe? By Mark L. Vincent ~ For those of us who observe the church year, Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Many of us will receive an imposition of ashes on our foreheads in the sign of the cross, marking our humility and penitence before God.…

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Perspective, Curiosity, and A Learner Identity By Mark L. Vincent

Steward Leaders: Perspective, Curiosity and a Learner Identity By Mark L. Vincent ~ To lead an organization is to be regularly called on for perspective. To grow in that role does not just mean to learn, it involves embracing the identity of a Learner. Other identities tempt us: Telling (do this!) Doing (let me do…

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