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Attention to Value By Mark L. Vincent

A Steward Leader Pays Attention to Value By Mark L. Vincent, PhD CCNL~ When you hear the phrase “maximize financial value” what does it mean to you? Making more profit? (Which feels problematic for many nonprofit and ministry leaders.) Squeezing maximum benefit of each dollar by reducing costs, and thus preserving a bank balance? (Something…

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Defining Characteristics By Kent R. Wilson

Today we explore the five defining characteristics of a steward leader. By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ In your role as a steward leader in a nonprofit organization, you lead with a different mindset than an owner-operator. You know that you are there to lead the organization to accomplish its mission for the benefit of…

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Decision Making as a Steward By Howard Rich

Define your leadership philosophy and it will guide your decision making as a steward.  By Howard Rich ~ While I attempt to lead as a steward within the organization God has placed me, I sometimes find it difficult to practice stewardship in my actions. To combat this, I began looking for ways to intentionally interact…

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Developing an Organization of Stewards By Kent Wilson

Learn a Practical Approach to Developing an Organization of Stewards By Kent R. Wilson, PhD – Stewardship is not just for leaders or organizational executives. Our basic definition of stewardship, the management of resources belonging to another in order to achieve the owner’s objectives, encompasses almost anyone who has been given resources by another to…

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The Moral Meaning of Money By Mark L. Vincent

THE STEWARD LEADER AND THE MORAL MEANING OF MONEY By Mark L. Vincent ~ Money is at the crux of many ethical dilemmas in the marketplace. Choices are often made in a moment, and in that moment a person’s or organization’s history, values, preferences and ethics come together. Consider the $561,000 bequest from Raymond Brown,…

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Three Financial Administration Tips by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  Three Financial Administration Tips for Steward Leaders By Dr. Gary G. Hoag~ Back in college (which seems like a lifetime ago) I studied accounting. From there I went to seminary to get further training to use my skills to help run a ministry. In that setting few people understood financial statements and even fewer…

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Awakenings of a Steward By Howard Rich

Defining moments lead to the awakenings of a steward. By Howard Rich~ My faith journey and involvement in the local church has been filled with many defining moments that have shaped my relationship with Christ, especially my understanding of what it means to be His steward. I came to Christ when I was 15, and…

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The Three-fold Process by Mark L. Vincent

What is the three-fold process? By Mark L. Vincent ~ I am revisiting the three-fold process of becoming a Steward Leader that Scott Rodin identifies in his book The Steward Leader.  1. Discovery – Coming to a new and deepened understanding about the nature and will of God for a person. The Steward Leader discovers…

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How You Measure Success By R. Scott Rodin

How you measure success in this life will dictate the way you live, the impact of your leadership and the legacy you will leave. By R. Scott Rodin PhD.. ~ Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”…

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A Narrow Road by R. Scott Rodin

Navigating a Narrow Road By R. Scott Rodin ~ While living in Scotland we would often drive a narrow road that wound around the hills of Royal Deeside. At the point where the pavement encroached in and our wheels seemed to hang over each side, there came a sign that read, “Danger — Road Narrows.”…

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