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Leading and Following By Dr. Marybeth Leavell

Leading and Following as a Steward While leading and following may seem like opposite roles, in the context of stewardship, they are closely intertwined and complementary aspects of the same overarching responsibility. Let’s explore the essence of stewardship and how following and leading complement each other in the practice of this transformative model. The Steward…

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Hearing God in an Odd Convergence R. Scott Rodin

Convergence of Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday From the Heart of a Steward Today represents an interesting convergence of two days. I love Valentine’s Day. I mark the Day with gifts and words conveying my love for Linda each year. It is a warm and bright day amid a dark and dreary season. So, I…

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Bringing It All Together By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Steward Leadership, Work, and Life Calling Come Together During seasons of rest from work, it is essential to reflect and bring what matters most all together. Even God rested from His work of creation! Human beings, created in God’s image, find meaning and purpose in work. And, like God, it is important to rest from…

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A New Year’s Challenge By R. Scott Rodin

For this New Year’s Challenge – Start 2024 with a Sieve In 2019, my novel, The Four Gifts of the King, was published. Like most novels, the novel has a meta-narrative – a big story to tell. Every person in the book has a part in telling that story. No one is superfluous. No one…

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Know How You Process Information By Mark L. Vincent

Understand how you and others process information so you can live wide-awake! I’ve found it a worthwhile pursuit to learn how people process information, how they respond, and how they use or do not use that information to grow in wisdom. Learning style insights are being applied across many disciplines, and most especially among those…

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Models for Stewardship Leadership By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Pregnancy and Parenting are Models for Steward Leadership People are not a means to an end. They are not expendable. I think of an experience my husband had with one employer. He had worked for many years on a contract, assigned to a difficult and important project. And then one day unexpectedly, everyone heard the…

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Shaken By Larry Gadbaugh

A Whole Lot Has Been Shaken! Portland, Oregon has been shaken. This is where I was born and raised, and I’ve never seen this kind of upheaval here before. As if the Pandemic wasn’t enough to rattle our cage, in recent weeks we’ve become the poster community for sustained racial protest and trial by wildfire…

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Enslaved by Debt By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  The Real and Present Dangers of Debt We live in a time when social activists are seeking to end slavery and human trafficking around the globe, while a more nefarious foe has enslaved the peoples of the earth: DEBT (Proverbs 22:7b). Our global economy has been built on debt. For Americans, the availability of…

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Stewarding When It Is Difficult By Howard Rich

What does it look like to steward when it is difficult? The most difficult leadership experience of my life was shepherding my mother and sisters through the death of my dad.  Following my dad’s diagnosis with lung cancer, he was moved into our home where my family would care for him in his final days. …

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Stewarding Your Interpersonal Relationships By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Call to Steward Well Your Interpersonal Relationships For me, interpersonal relationships are both rewarding and challenging, especially as a steward leader. Creating strong collaborations. Fostering trust and unity. Becoming open and inviting and curious. All of this encompasses what I understand good leadership to be. Steward Leadership These are essentials. Moving beyond good leadership…

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