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Can We Be Honest? By Rebecca Hays

Sometimes asking a question out loud allows us to reflect upon the answer genuinely. We’ve heard, God is our Provider.  We may even say it to others, but do we live and work like we truly believe it? How often do we pray in a board meeting and immediately turn our focus to the budget,…

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3 Tips for Sowing Generously from Solomon By Gary G. Hoag

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening, let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. ~ Ecclesiastes 11:6 From this verse, we can glean three tips about sowing from Solomon that are relevant for leaders and the…

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Are You Leading from the ‘Right-side’ Up? By Scott Rodin

The more I read, study and write about the steward leader, the more often I find myself scratching my head and saying, “really?” This is pretty radical stuff. And as such, the more we seek to embrace the call to be steward leaders fully, the more we will be considered rather strange people.  That’s because,…

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Confidence in Knowing and Not Knowing By Mark L. Vincent

A Steward Leader knows they do not know everything. The designation of Steward Leader is becoming more widely known. The Steward Leader believes they are granted trust for the welfare of the organization they serve and all who connect to it. The Steward Leader, therefore, takes the long view of personal and organizational transformation. They are…

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The Stages of Stewardship By Ken R. Wilson

A Historical Look Stewardship has not always had the same meaning throughout history. Excellent studies have been done on the development of stewardship in the history of the Christian church by Luther Powell and Robert Lynn Wood. In their analyses, one can see the roots of modern definitions and stewardship misconceptions that arose from the…

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Debt and Biblical Reflections By Dr. Gary Hoag

We live in a time when social activists are seeking to end slavery and human trafficking around the globe, while a more nefarious foe has enslaved the peoples of the earth: debt (Proverbs 22:7b). Perhaps we don’t hear much about this because God’s people are no different than the world. How big is this problem?…

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Finding The Freedom to Lead in the Dirt By Scott Rodin

Sometimes the most profound insights come to us in the simplest forms. Remember The One Minute Manager, Who Moved My Cheese, and the insights from Jim Collins that included The Hedgehog, The Flywheel, and the Big Hairy Audacious Goal? Many of us in Christian leadership believe that the Steward Leader is the most powerful biblical…

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The One Question That Changes Everything By E.G. Link

I like it when someone “cuts to the chase” giving me the bottom line of what they want to say without including all the details.  I am often guilty of helping people finish their sentences so they can more quickly get to the point.  I assume some of you might be like that, too. So,…

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The Battle for Integrity By Dan Busby

While far from perfect, King David is one of the first ones we think of when the discussion turns to integrity. Asaph, the royal court composer, said David shepherded them with “the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72, KVJ). David led Israel with “skillful hands.” Yes,…

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