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God's Objectives by Kent Wilson, PhD

By Kent Wilson PhD ~ How clearly do you understand God’s objectives for your stewardship? The Parable of the Talents in Matt. 25:14-30—and its parallel in Luke 19:11-27—develops one of the richest sources of information about the steward and stewardship in the biblical record. It is from this story that we can discern the historical and…

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The Steward Leader: A Transformation of Roles by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 teaches the principle of stewardship, and the inescapable fact nothing belongs to a person that has not been entrusted to him by the rightful owner.  God is the originator of everything in existence, He grants access to His resources at His discretion, and He…

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Top 10 List of New Testament Givers and their Gifts By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

The context for my post today is the Christmas season when our thoughts focus on gift giving. Rather than direct your attention to purchasing a home entertainment system, the latest name brand clothing or the newest toys for girls and boys, I want to shift our gaze from this century to real gifts and the givers who…

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