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Get Your Website Donor-Ready By Rob Flint Jr.

It’s time to get your website donor-ready for fall! Organizations, for the most part, understand the importance and alum of a website. Most realize that their website is like the front door of a store or church. And everyone wants a website that looks good, is clean, inviting – and most important – easy to…

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Influence and Engagement By Lee Ellis

Solutions to Influence and Engagement As a church or nonprofit leader, you’re pressured to find solutions and get results as you head into the last quarter of the year. Regardless of your internal or external goals, the tool that we must use in the process is gaining and using influence with others. This skill seems…

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Prayers for Fundraising By Ron Frey

Learn to Pray Great Fundraising Prayers What is the role of prayer in fundraising? Over the course of my career, I’ve danced around the issue. While I respect ministries that employ the philosophy of “all prayer and no ask,” I’ve always believed that asking givers to respond to ministry opportunities and meet a need is…

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The Importance of Modeling By Alex McElroy

 Modeling –  What You See and What You Do In his book, Urban Apologetics, Christopher Brooks recounts the following story on the importance of modeling. On May 6, 1954, on the Iffley Road Track in Oxford, England, Bannister did what was previously assumed to be impossible, and, by physiologists of his era, even dangerous. He…

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Owning Your Work By Melinda Delahoyde

Do I Own My Work? “He worketh”.  Those were the words that greeted me in my devotion this morning.  The author goes on to say, “He shall perform the cause which I have in hand…my own particular work today… This is what I may ask Him to do for me and rest assured that He…

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The Double Bottom Line By Mark L. Vincent

There is more to the story when you focus on your double bottom line. So many nonprofits forget to use the presentation of their financials as a means to inspire and highlight the double bottom line. They opt, instead, to merely report. This is especially true of association systems—organizations that have chapters, affiliates, congregations, franchises,…

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What is a Steward Leader? By Howard Rich

What defines a steward leader? I am in a conversation about leadership and begin referring to steward leaders, and the person I am speaking with gets a quizzical look on their face. The scene replays countless times. At a convenient time in the conversation, this person will graciously correct me and point out I am really…

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A Steward of Trust By Mark L. Vincent

How does a steward leader foster trust? Because I am often engaged in preparing people for their life as an executive, I get to correspond and converse with their reflections and trust is a common theme.  Here is one response to someone from one of my classes for Christian Leadership Alliance a few years ago,…

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Leadership Principles by Roy Peterson

The Leadership Principles that Set Me Free By Roy Peterson ~ I began learning leadership principles at an early age. When I was 19 years old, I was thrust into a nightmare when I was arrested and thrown into a cold, dank and dirty jail cell in Mexico with nothing but the clothes on my…

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Non-Traditional Funding By Mark L. Vincent

What is the challenge for the steward leader and non traditional funding? By Mark L Vincent ~ There is a challenge that comes with non-traditional funding. I am not a CFO, nor an accountant. I am a strategist. My life is spent developing organizations and the leaders who serve them. So, any thoughts about the…

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