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Types of Givers By Brad Leeper and Mark Dillion

There are four types of givers and different ways to engage each of them. By Brad Leeper and Mark Dillion ~ Think of your three closest friends. Now think about going out to eat, picking a place to take a vacation, or even just choosing a movie to watch on a Friday night… all as…

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Protect Your Mind and Ministry By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Protect Your Mind and Ministry from the Love of Money By Dr. Gary G. Hoag ~ Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 “The love of money” must not surface…

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Giving Trends: An Interview with David Wills

Giving Trends: an Interview with David Wills, President of National Christian Foundation When it comes to giving, there are always two sides to the equation: how organizations are engaging givers, and how people are actually giving. As president of National Christian Foundation (NCF), David Wills has the advantage of seeing both from the ground level.…

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Momentum: The Force

MOMENTUM: The force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes For Christian leaders, these are times of both unique challenge and powerful opportunity. But in the midst of the challenges, God is moving hearts. The gospel is bearing fruit. Physical needs are being met. Lives are being changed.…

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Shaping a Nation By Dr. Roy Peterson

Shaping a nation by reading, living and sharing the Bible. By Dr. Roy Peterson ~ Much has been said about the Bible’s influence on the nation’s founders, but let’s pick up the story a generation later. In 1816, the year of American Bible Society’s founding, what formative role did Scripture play as the United States…

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Defining Characteristics By Kent R. Wilson

Today we explore the five defining characteristics of a steward leader. By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ In your role as a steward leader in a nonprofit organization, you lead with a different mindset than an owner-operator. You know that you are there to lead the organization to accomplish its mission for the benefit of…

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Life is Full of Lessons By Suzy West

Life is full of lessons. Handle them with care. Really! I love a new project – especially one that will utilize my gifts but also challenges me in the process. God knows this. He created me the way I am. But I’m also a sinful creature that can be too self-assured at times. “Tough project,…

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Return on Time By Rick Dunham

Have you ever evaluated your return on time? By Rick Dunham ~ I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the obsession many organizations and leaders have with ROI, as I think there is another measurement that is actually more important. This is not to dismiss the importance of ROI in any way, but rather to…

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Momentum By W. Scott Brown

How can God use us to create a shift in momentum? By W. Scott Brown~ I vividly remember the game. Well into the third quarter, our undefeated high school football team trailed a powerful rival in their home stadium. The opposing team was playing well. Their raucous fans were ecstatic. We, by contrast, were stunned.…

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Are You An Original? By W. Scott Brown

Are You An Original? By W. Scott Brown ~ Recently I read a compelling new book: Originals: How Nonconformists Move the World (Viking, 2016) by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Adam Grant of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. In it Grant says: “The Declaration of Independence promises Americans the unalienable rights…

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