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God Has a Plan by Rich Stearns

God has a plan for every leader. By Rich Stearns ~ God has gifted us as well as the people around us. Eric Liddell was an Olympic gold medalist portrayed in the Academy Award-winning movie Chariots of Fire. Before he entered into full-time missionary work, he participated in the Olympics. Some criticized him for this…

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Financial Stewardship Tips by Gary G. Hoag

Ten Global Financial Stewardship Tips  By Dr. Gary G. Hoag – The Bible contains counsel for all cultures related to handling God’s money. During my recent trip to Hong Kong I learned that the biggest sin for Chinese people related to money for individuals as well as churches is hoarding resources on earth for personal…

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A Pursuit of Excellence By W. Scott Brown

A Pursuit of Excellence for God’s Glory and Purpose By W. Scott Brown ~ On March 20, 1976, a meeting was held that would change the trajectory of the Christian ministry world. On that evening, 20 Christian leaders came together in a small room in Rodger Young Auditorium in Los Angeles with a shared desire…

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A Narrow Road by R. Scott Rodin

Navigating a Narrow Road By R. Scott Rodin ~ While living in Scotland we would often drive a narrow road that wound around the hills of Royal Deeside. At the point where the pavement encroached in and our wheels seemed to hang over each side, there came a sign that read, “Danger — Road Narrows.”…

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Board Development By Tom Okarma

Board development is critical for building and maintaining a high-functioning board. By Tom Okarma Year after year, best-in-class nonprofit organizations have an amazing impact in their communities. Their boards have directors who understand the agency’s mission, are fully engaged in the board’s work, and have embraced their specific role serving on the board. Among other success…

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Capture the Hearts of Your Major Donors By Patrick McLaughlin

Discover how to effectively capture the hearts of your major donors. By Patrick McLaughlin~ After 36 years in the major donor arena, I feel a bit like the Farmers Insurance commercial, “We know a lot because we have seen a lot.” According to Martin Luther, our conversion experience has three stages: Our Head, Our Heart…

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By Their Fruits By W. Scott Brown

By W. Scott Brown ~  Choosing Leaders by Their Fruits Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has always captivated me. It is completely counter-cultural. In Matthew chapters 5 through 7, we see some of the most compelling, challenging and inspiring guidance for how Christ wants us to live and lead. I am always challenged by Jesus’…

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Confession of a Broken Leader By Aimee Minnich

By Aimee Minnich~ It is time for the confession of a broken leader. Last week I shared a blog post about becoming an irrelevant leader and noted that impact isn’t our first priority. Even though we write about impact most of the time and tell stories of people and companies that are changing the world…

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Leading Change By Jeanne Nigro

By Jeanne Nigro ~ Leading change well depends on the heart of the leader. As leaders, we have all seen organizational change efforts come and go — kicked off with great enthusiasm, only to see the excitement wane and the initiative replaced by another. From my experience as a change consultant, I believe this happens…

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An Irrelevant Leader By Aimee Minnich

By Aimee Minnich ~ How do you become an irrelevant leader? Would you ever want to? For followers of Jesus, there’s a tension we are constantly working to manage: the impact of what we do can never be the most important thing we seek and yet we’re called to love (through words and actions) those…

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