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In A Time Such As This by Steve Douglass

By Steve Douglass I became involved full-time in Christian work in 1969. In the next several years I learned what God was doing not just through our ministry but others as well. It was good then, but it was much less than what God is doing today. Consider some amazing facts: The church in China…

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The Humble Leader's Legacy by Jonathan Pitts

By Jonathan Pitts Everything I’ve learned about leadership I’ve learned from people. Don’t get me wrong. I love reading books, listening to podcasts and going to seminars, but God has hard-wired me to respond to people. I guess it began with my father. Years before I was born, my father latched onto the good news…

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Fighting The Need to Increase

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin When John the Baptist saw Jesus walking in his presence, he made the declaration, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  Most Christian leaders would say that in their hearts they would wish that Jesus would increase and they would decrease.  But it is hard to decrease in a leadership…

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When Stewards Fall: Restoration

By Howard Rich When I think about the ups and downs, the successes and the failures of my life, I sometimes think of the Apostle Peter.  He was one of the inner circle, witnessed the transfiguration, professed Jesus as Christ, and walked on water with the King.  Those were some of his better moments, which…

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4 Ways to Measure Authenticity

By John C. Reynolds, Ph.D. King David of Israel was not perfect, but he was, I believe, authentic. We, in our roles as leaders today, are not perfect, but I know we each want to be authentic. The challenge of course is that not one of us can declare ourselves to be authentic; this is…

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10 Ways God Provides – Part 1

God Provides Part 1

By Brian Kluth God is bigger than money. God is our provider.  While God may choose to use money as part of his provisions for us, he is much bigger than money and he has many ways he provides. Over the years in Christian leadership I have discovered at least 10 ways God provides for ministries and…

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