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The Priority of Being Rich in God By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

How do we give priority to being rich toward God? It’s a bit of an understatement to say that COVID-19 has called our priorities and the priority into question. People all over the world have had to re-evaluate how they can best utilize a significantly decreased arsenal of time and resources. In times like ours…

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The Stuff and Soul Connection By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

There’s a Critical Connection Between Stuff and Soul Did you ever think there was a connection between the stuff in your life and your eternal soul? Have you ever wondered why the Bible has more verses on possessions than on any other topic? Have you ever wondered what it means to be faithful and obey…

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A Soul Care Resolution By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

Did You Make a Resolution For Soul Care? Tis the season for making a resolution or two. We’ve all heard the standard ones: lose weight, get out of debt, eat less junk food, pray and read the Bible more often, etc. What about you? What resolutions have you made for this coming year?  Do any…

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How Did You Celebrate Christmas? By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

Does God care how you celebrated Christmas? Christmas is almost all over now— except for the January blues of paying the bills. How did you do? How did you survive all the rushed shopping, social events, delayed shipping, and gift returns? For most of us, our Christmas celebrations end up being dominated by stuff, you…

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Are You Engaged in Faith-based Fundraising? By Wes Willmer

Faith-based and Ministry-focused Fundraising for Nonprofits   In Growing Givers’ Hearts: Treating Fundraising as Ministry  (Jossey-Bass), authors Tom Jeavons and Rebekah Basinger compare and contrast how a faith-based, ministry-focused model of raising resources is very different from a secular approach focused strictly on the bottom line. They concluded that it all boils down to values,…

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Work and Earning By Wes Willmer

How do we see work and earning in the bigger picture of our Christian faith? The world’s advice on earning leads you to disaster. It erodes your character and pillages your relationships. You fall into the trap of loving money and using people to accomplish your purposes. There’s a higher road you can take. I…

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Ministry Life Cycle Lessons from Acts By Jim Liske and Wesley Willmer

At the center of all Christian life and mission is Jesus’ command: “Follow me!” What do we witness when we obey? The lame walk, the blind see, the lost are found, the proud are humbled, and prisoners find freedom. For Jesus’ first disciples, the command to follow had a literal component — they joined Jesus…

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3 Components of Fruitful Christian Stewardship Campaigns By Dr. Gary Hoag

The goal of Christian stewardship campaigns is to rally people to participate with God in His work through prayer, service, giving, and social interaction. Done right, campaigns build interpersonal and virtual communities! Because God’s Word contains no magic formula for success, how should we lead? Research reveals that faithfulness to biblical teachings in three areas…

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