Posts Tagged ‘work’
Work and Earning By Wes Willmer
How do we see work and earning in the bigger picture of our Christian faith? The world’s advice on earning leads you to disaster. It erodes your character and pillages your relationships. You fall into the trap of loving money and using people to accomplish your purposes. There’s a higher road you can take. I…
Read MoreIntegrating Faith and Work By Dr. Amy L. Sherman
What does it mean to integrate our faith and work? First, we need to focus on the kind of employees we ought to be: ethical workers, kind workers, hard workers, excellent workers, Gospel-sharing workers. This is the most common answer usually given to this question, and it rightly focuses us on personal character. Each day…
Read MoreDiscover the Father’s Perspective
Discover Father’s Perspective on Labor On this Labor Day Monday, we turn to God’s Word where you can discover perspective on labor. We pray you will take time to review these scriptures and be reminded of how the work you do brings honor and blessing. These verses are from the New International Version translation: Give…
Read MoreOwning Your Work By Melinda Delahoyde
Do I Own My Work? “He worketh”. Those were the words that greeted me in my devotion this morning. The author goes on to say, “He shall perform the cause which I have in hand…my own particular work today… This is what I may ask Him to do for me and rest assured that He…
Read MoreFaith and Work By Dr. Gary Hoag
What is God’s design for the intersection of faith and work? The intersection of faith and work is a hot topic. Rightly so! Work takes up the largest sum of the waking hours of every steward. To borrow the language of Christian philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, we must ask and answer the question: “How should we…
Read MoreGod's Perspective on Labor
Understanding Labor Day In celebration of Labor Day, we turn to God’s word and meditate on the scriptures that reveal God’s perspective on labor. We reflect on what the Word says about God’s character, about us, and the difference it makes when we apply His truth to our lives. Give generously to them and do so…
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