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Sharpening Christian Nonprofit Professionals for Greater Kingdom Impact


Christ-centered leaders with mission-critical competency are needed more than ever.

For over 48 years, Christian Leadership Alliance has put its years of experience in the “stewardship” of ministry to work for its members.

The Alliance convenes and trains Christian nonprofits and their employees across all experience levels.

Discover a community dedicated to increasing your capacity so that when God says, "Go!"  ~  you go fast.

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Community is where Alliance members collaborate with peers to share strategic advice, solve challenges, and develop new approaches.



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We Promise You

  • Professional Development
  • Collaborative Community
  • Inspiration & Encouragement
  • Christ-like Leadership Training

Enjoy Outcomes Magazine 

Outcomes magazine offers Christian nonprofit professionals wise insights and practical applications to advance operating excellence. It is now published in digital and audio versions.

Published Quarterly

Access the WINTER 2024 Issue


 The Alliance is a community of thought leaders and storytellers.

These Alliance member podcasts challenge current thinking, inform on relevant topics, provide best practices, and spread the stories of God's transformational work today.

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IHS Global

IHS Global Equips Believers as Intentional Witnesses

“For several years, I came to the CLA Outcomes conference alone. I greatly benefited from the conference sessions. Also, networking has always been important to me, and the CLA conference is a great place to do this. However, this year, 2023, I tried something different. I brought a team from our organization, IHS Global, and asked each member to keep track of their learning.

I completely underestimated the value of attending as a team. The team members learned many valuable lessons in management and skill development. But this year, through my team’s feedback, I realized again the importance of attending to the whole person. Soul care became a focus of our debriefing sessions. I was surprised by how important this concept of care for the entire person was to the team. As we attempted to implement what we learned, surprising and miraculous results were seen.

 As a Christian leader, I am responsible for more than ministry outcomes. Culture and care are mine to manage as well. I am grateful to the leadership of CLA for providing an atmosphere where godly, Christian leadership is encouraged. I highly encourage all faith-based nonprofits to attend CLA’s Outcomes Conference and bring your team!”

– Bob Snyder, Founder.