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Fruit That Lasts by Dr. R.Scott Rodin

No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. – John 15: 4 By Dr. R. Scott Rodin ~ A number of years ago, God confronted me with a significant fallacy that I had been living with for most of my…

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We Forget By Heather Day

How quickly we forget and give up a greater joy and purpose. By Heather Day ~ How quickly we forget the Scriptures are filled with stories of times when God provided for His people. And of course we see the subsequent forgetfulness of His people in recalling those provisions. For example, the Gospels of Matthew…

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An Overflowing Generous Life by Patrick Johnson

The 3-Point Cycle of an Overflowing, Generous Life By Patrick Johnson~ Think about what an overflowing generous life might look like.  Start by thinking of the most generous person you know. In your mind’s eye picture their face. What do you see? Meet Catherine I want you to meet one of the most generous people…

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Measure Success By Dr. R. Scott Rodin

How you measure success in this life will dictate the way you live this life and the legacy you will leave. By Dr. R. Scott Rodin ~ “How do you measure success?’ In my work as a consultant for not-for-profit organizations, I am ask this questions at the start of every consultation.  I have found…

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The Power of the Annual Report By Randon Samelson

The Annual Report is a ministry’s single most important and powerful tool! By Randon Samelson ~ At COUNSEL & CAPTIAL we believe the annual report of  Christian Churches and ministries is the single most important and powerful tool they have to tell their story. To incentivize them to pay closer attention to their reports, we…

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Vocation By Dr. Christina Crenshaw

Understanding Our Vocation By Dr. Christina Crenshaw ~ Understanding our vocation changes the way we lead and serve. One of the most celebrated modern definitions of vocation comes from theologian Frederick Buechner, who wrote, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Throughout church…

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God’s Vision By Howard Rich

  Stewards of God’s Vision By Howard Rich ~ If you are frustrated, angry or heartbroken about the way things are, as opposed to the way they could be, you are probably a candidate for a God-given vision. Leaders with a higher goal are never satisfied just going with the flow and doing things that…

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A Compelling Story By Ron Frey

Learn to tell a compelling story! By Ron Frey Every fundraiser knows that a compelling story told extremely well is what makes your cause real to people. Stories help us influence donors to express their love for God and others through generosity. Yet how do you tell the same story over and over without evoking…

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The Three-fold Process By Mark L. Vincent

The three-fold process of becoming a steward leader. By  Mark L. Vincent ~ Today, I  am revisiting the three-fold process of becoming a steward leader that Scott Rodin identifies in his book The Steward Leader.  1. Discovery Coming to a new and deepened understanding about the nature and will of God for a person. The Steward…

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We Remember

On this Memorial Day, We Remember Heaven Was Needing a Hero Came by today to see you Though I had to let you know If I knew the last time that I held you was the last time I’d have held you and never let go Oh, it’s kept me awake night wonderin’ I lie…

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