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The Esther Ultimatum By R. Scott Rodin

The Esther Ultimatum: Finding our place in our present cultural warfare By R. Scott Rodin ~ Words of great wisdom seem to live a circular existence. When first uttered, they amaze and inspire. However, after continued use and overuse, they become trite and are set aside. After their time in exile from popularity most will…

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Fair Pay for the Pastor By Edwards and Lund

What’s a fair salary for a Pastor? Learn how a national survey can help church leaders address critical salary compensation questions. By Caitlin Edwards and Emily Lund ~ In most any kind of job, salaries depend on numerous factors, including location, years of experience, amount of education, and other industry-specific factors. These factors hold true…

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Leaders By Lauren Libby

Entrepreneurial leaders are needed! By Lauren Libby~ I believe entrepreneurial leaders and teams are needed to enliven the 21st century mission’s movement. Entrepreneurial teams first of all need an entrepreneurial leader, a person who is not afraid to take steps of faith, a leader who can embrace change and be vision centered. Entrepreneurial Leaders Need…

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A Culture of Accountability By Mike King

A Culture of Accountability – Being on Mission at Volunteers of America By Mike King ~ In leading an organization that helps the most vulnerable members of our society,  a culture of accountability means much more to me than answering to my board of directors or meeting financial benchmarks. Failing in our mission can literally…

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Accountability: An Interview with David Nasser

David Nasser shares his thoughts on accountability and leadership. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed David Nasser, Liberty University’s senior vice president for spiritual development on the topics of accountability and leadership. Nasser will be a keynote speaker at CLA’s Outcomes Conference 2017, April 4–6, in Dallas. Nasser was born…

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Trend Watch 2017 By Dave Raley

Trend Watch 2017: Three Trends Worthy of Your Attention By Dave Raley ~ It’s common to kick off a new year by looking forward to the trends that are emerging —trends we expect to become increasingly important as the year goes on. So I polled our team for what those trends are that we are…

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Listening More By Howard Rich

Steward-minded leaders are listening more – directing less. By Howard Rich ~ Steward-minded leaders can help their employees by focusing more on listening and less on giving directives. The steward leader can accomplish this by creating conversations around shared values, spending less time speaking and more time listening, and caring about God’s calling on each…

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Last Day to Register and Save!

YES – It’s the last day to register and save! Early registration for The Outcome Conference ends today – January 31, 2017 at midnight.

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My Witnesses By Tami Heim

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. – Acts 1:8 By Tami Heim~ In the book of Acts Jesus commissions his followers, who were present in that moment,…

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Stewards of Donor Stories By Sheila Dolinger

You are stewards of donor stories so put the power of personal testimony to work for your ministry. By Sheila Dolinger ~ Once upon a time, there was a ministry with glossy brochures, frequent social media posts, and a colorful website with carefully researched facts and financials. Yet alas, the ministry did not connect with…

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