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The Moral Meaning of Money By Mark L. Vincent

THE STEWARD LEADER AND THE MORAL MEANING OF MONEY By Mark L. Vincent ~ Money is at the crux of many ethical dilemmas in the marketplace. Choices are often made in a moment, and in that moment a person’s or organization’s history, values, preferences and ethics come together. Consider the $561,000 bequest from Raymond Brown,…

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Return on Time By Rick Dunham

Have you ever evaluated your return on time? By Rick Dunham ~ I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the obsession many organizations and leaders have with ROI, as I think there is another measurement that is actually more important. This is not to dismiss the importance of ROI in any way, but rather to…

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Three Financial Administration Tips by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  Three Financial Administration Tips for Steward Leaders By Dr. Gary G. Hoag~ Back in college (which seems like a lifetime ago) I studied accounting. From there I went to seminary to get further training to use my skills to help run a ministry. In that setting few people understood financial statements and even fewer…

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Agent of Redemption By Dr. Albert Reyes

What is an Agent of Redemption? By Dr. Albert Reyes ~ An agent of redemption is a person that has experience the redeeming love of the good news of Jesus of Nazareth. He or she has been forgiven and is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. An agent of redemption has first experienced his or her…

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The World Is Too Noisy By Aimee Minnich

The world is too noisy for another marketing campaign! By Aimee Minnich ~ Every blog I write starts with the same prayer/question, “Father, what would you have me say?” And then I go for a run and see what stirs around in my mind. If I don’t have anything worth saying, I don’t write. This…

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Have You Left Jesus In the Car? By R. Scott Rodin

Three Danger Signs that You Have Left Jesus in the Car? By R. Scott Rodin~ I had a friend recently who lamented, “I drive to work listening to Christian music, praising God and sensing that Jesus is right there in the car with me. I pray out loud and enjoy some great fellowship time. Then…

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Faith and Prayer By Lea Carawan

Faith and prayer – the bedrock of our nation’s character. By Lea Carawan ~ From the planting of a cross and the prayers that were offered at Jamestown, site of the first permanent English settlement in 1607, people in this country have placed their fervent trust in God. This simple act of humble faith has…

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Momentum By W. Scott Brown

How can God use us to create a shift in momentum? By W. Scott Brown~ I vividly remember the game. Well into the third quarter, our undefeated high school football team trailed a powerful rival in their home stadium. The opposing team was playing well. Their raucous fans were ecstatic. We, by contrast, were stunned.…

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Awakenings of a Steward By Howard Rich

Defining moments lead to the awakenings of a steward. By Howard Rich~ My faith journey and involvement in the local church has been filled with many defining moments that have shaped my relationship with Christ, especially my understanding of what it means to be His steward. I came to Christ when I was 15, and…

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9 Conveyances of the CCNL By Mark L. Vincent

Nine conveyances of the CCNL and what it says about you. By Mark L. Vincent~ I’ve been involved in what is now the Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader (CCNL) program since the late 1990’s, watching it morph and grow and become a professional credential to be taken seriously. When you see the CCNL designation behind someone’s name…

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