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How to Disciple Generous Givers By Chris McDaniel

By Chris McDaniel ~ Do you know how to disciple generous givers? What do you want for your financial supporters versus from them? These questions have been etched in my heart lately. It’s as if I cannot escape them, as though God keeps putting it right in front of me like the golden arches of…

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A Leader's Stop Doing List By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin ~ There are three things that I believe should be on a leader’s stop doing list for 2016. Don’t let these rob you of the abundant life God has for you this year New Year’s resolutions are usually comprised of things we need to start doing. I want to challenge leaders…

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Every Matter

How do we ever fully comprehend a creator who has perfectly appointed a time for every matter under heaven? As this new year begins, let’s greet it with an eager expectation and confidence. Praise to the God who completes what he starts, makes all things possible, and remains faithful in every matter under heaven! For…

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Finishing Well By David J. Gyertson

By David J. Gyertson – As Christ-centered ministry leaders how do we ensure we are on the path of finishing well? We have a challenging and difficult responsibility to meld Christian Leadership that is relational, transformational, and operational. To succeed in this calling, I believe we must embrace a whole-personal model of disciple making that,…

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The Value of Accountability By Lee Ellis

By Lee Ellis ~ As 2016 quickly approaches, it is an appropriate time for you to renew the leadership value of accountability. Professional accountability is a good thing. Without it, excellence is merely a pipe dream and even average performance isn’t a realistic expectation. As a former POW in the camps of North Vietnam, I…

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He Entered Our World

He entered our world, a world He made; yet the world did not recognize Him. Even though He came to His own people, they refused to listen and receive Him. But for all who did receive and trust in Him, He gave them the right to be reborn as children of God; He bestowed this…

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The Magi and the Messiah By Dr. Gary Hoag

By Dr. Gary Hoag During this special week, here are my modern reflections on the Magi and the Messiah. Matthew 2:1-12 recounts that Magi from the East saw a star and journeyed to Jerusalem looking for the newborn king of the Jews. Meanwhile, King Herod, disturbed by their assertion about a royal baby asks the…

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Do You Have a Clear Perspective? By Tami Heim

By Tami Heim As a leader, do you have a clear perspective? What weight do you put on the past, the present, and the future? How does your assignment of importance shape the way you see things and the actions that follow? Do you even know? For many… The past provides a foundation for context,…

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The Prioritized Life with Doug Nuenke

Call. Influence. Legacy. These are key ideas that occupy the mind of every leader, and they all begin with a daily life lived for Jesus. Doug Nuenke, U.S. President of The Navigators and keynote speaker at the 2016 Outcomes Conference in Dallas, wrote about what this means to live a prioritized life in his book…

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Tell Your Story By Denise Kuhn

By Denise Kuhn How do you find new givers? Begin a relationship with a potential giver? Motivate a giver to give for the first time? Keep them giving? Ask a giver to increase their giving? The answer is to tell your story well. Don’t assume that people get it. Don’t assume your board members and…

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