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The Character of Steward Leaders by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ The issue of a leader’s personal character is crucial, especially considering followers of Jesus Christ should be outstanding examples of trustworthiness, yet there seems to be a lethargy and complacency concerning integrity among some Christians, which is out of sync with so many of the teachings in Scripture. Character is an…

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A Story of God-honoring Excellence by Dr. Deana L. Porterfield

By Dr. Deana L. Porterfield Early in my career at Azusa Pacific University, my mentor — then current president Dr. Jon Wallace — regularly used the phrase, “Excellence honors God and mediocrity is a sin.” I struggled with the phrase, attempting to understand my daily call, while not becoming legalistic in how I measured my…

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Watching the Road Signs

Matthew 11:28-30, THE  MESSAGE Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything…

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7 Top Holy Land Experiences by Noam Matas

By Noam Matas ~ Every year, thousands upon thousands of worshipers make the spiritual and captivating journey to the Holy Land. Often, many travelers who fulfill this journey have waited their whole lives to visit Israel and walk where Jesus walked. But when they finally make it, they come away with so much more. A…

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Board and Executive Director Partnership by Kent Wilson

By Kent Wilson In previous blogs we’ve mentioned that the board of a nonprofit organization and the Executive Director/CEO both share steward leadership responsibilities of the organization. The board serves as the “Chief Steward” of the organization, responsible to God and the stakeholders for overall oversight, governance, and accountability for the organization as it works…

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Perspectives: Past. Present. Future.

In 2016 Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates 40 years of equipping and uniting leaders to transform the world for Christ. The theme of the Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2016 is “Perspectives.” That perspective is about where we as Christian leaders and organizations have journeyed together these past 40 years, how we embrace this moment in…

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A Steward of God's Platform by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent ~ Christian leaders steeped in stewardship theology readily affirm that God owns all. Most will also readily agree that this ownership applies to all that is virtual just as much as all that is tactile. If you agree then you know that any blog/social media/website/tweets/publications or posts are God’s too. In short,…

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Facing Today's 800 Pound Gorilla by Marc Stein

By Marc Stein ~ The trend is unmistakable. The American Church is waning and few among us are even talking about it. It’s our 800 pound gorilla. This isn’t just another “millennial issue.” It’s symptomatic of a much larger concern; our problem is systemic. You probably don’t need to see the statistics to know the…

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