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The Choice

Today is the first day of the 2014 CLA National Conference in Dallas. The theme of this year’s conference is Kingdom Outcomes.  Each year, CLA selects one book that captures the spirit of the theme. The conference book of the year for 2014 is, The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes  (ECFA Press 2014) By Gary…

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3 Core Characteristics of Kingdom Outcomes

Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D., R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D., & Wesley K. Willmer, Ph.D. We propose that kingdom outcomes have three characteristics: Kingdom Outcomes are the Byproduct of Obedience to the Holy Spirit Kingdom outcomes are the result of submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul reminds us that it is the Spirit…

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How Do You Define Success?

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. How do you define success in your church or ministry setting? In The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes, R. Scott Rodin, Wesley K. Willmer, and I suggest that most people define success in one of two ways, and this decision charts a predictable course that sends us down…

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The Common Good

Stanley Carlson-Thies shares his thoughts on protecting good works rooted in religious conviction. Trends Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance  (IRFA) is tracking:  One trend is a shrinking idea of the meaning of “religious exercise.” That impacts what the government must protect as part of religious freedom. It is being shrunk down to worship and worship institutions,…

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Is It Good to Be Radical?

  By Rebecca Hays As believers in Christ, if we look at the cross when it comes to generosity, I believe we can never be too radical. Consider the following definitions of radical – aggressively intentional; relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of someone or something; very new or different from what is traditional or…

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Leadership Lessons From A Life Of Ministry

By Judy Douglass Leaders are learners. At least that’s my experience. I’m a reader, so I learn a lot from the blogs, articles, and books I read. I also learn because I’m (by background) a curious journalist and I ask a lot of questions. And, hopefully, I keep my eyes open to absorb what I…

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One Challenging Leadership Question By R. Scott Rodin

Finding Answers to Challenging Leadership Questions Every once in a great while, a question is posed that hits you right between the eyes. Here is one with which I have been struggling ever since I heard it, “do you consider stories in the Bible that tell about how God shapes leaders to be exceptions or…

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Development Leadership

By Dr. John R. Frank, CFRE There are many aspects to leading and managing a development effort within a ministry. The management aspects are often written about. Managing the staff, the programs, strategies, and writing reports are just a few of the management tasks needed to make sure a development effort is successful. But what…

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Exchanging Pride for Humility

  By Jenni Catron Personally I think Peter gets a bad rap. Many of us are too quick to judge Peter, who is famously remembered for denying Jesus three times. Our self-righteousness gets the better of us, and whether we admit it or not, we’re tempted to believe that in his shoes, we never would have…

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Steward Leaders are Influencers

By Howard Rich When a person exerts consistent and continuous influence in another person’s life or the lives of a group, that person is a leader.  When a parent helps a child decide what courses to take during her freshman year of college, that parent is demonstrating leadership.  When a young man challenges his friend’s moral…

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