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Leadership Lessons Lost By R. Scott Rodin

How would you answer these three questions: Is God leading you on a path of deepening faith and discovery in your role as a leader Do you believe He cares as much about your spiritual development as your vocational success? How does God teach you? Consider your answers and see if they don’t paint a…

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What’s Driving Your Donors? By Larry Johnston

 In seminars I do at conferences, I’ll frequently ask, “What is the primary purpose of development?” Answers vary, but they cluster in several areas, like raising funds, building relationships, advancing the organization’s mission, and teaching stewardship. There’s truth in all these, but I’m doubtful about “teaching” stewardship. That’s a role of some excellent ministries, and…

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8 Benefits Your Church Needs to Know About the Cloud By Leah Merill

What exactly is the cloud anyway? Checking out a couple of blog posts about it might not enlighten you all that much. One thing you know- it’s huge right now. Everyone seems to be talking about “moving to the cloud.” So what does that mean for you? Is it something your church should consider? And…

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How Do Leaders Learn? By Dr. John R. Frank

 I was pondering this question recently as I looked at some things in my personal ministry timeline. When I was in my 20’s I lead teams of young people on musical ministry tours across the U.S. and around the world. We performed a concert every night and two on Sundays in the U.S.  When we…

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Perpetually Connected By Gordon Marcy

In February, research and advisory firm Forrester Research released its “Mobile Trends for Marketers” and “Interactive Marketing Predictions” for 2013. These studies show more clearly than ever just how much Christian ministries must rapidly embrace technological change in order to reach their perpetually connected audiences. Connected TV is Here One area that this research highlighted is…

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Steward Leaders Reject Pride By Howard Rich

As children, we likely played a game called follow-the-leader, where the leader does things that the rest of the group must mimic. The main objective is to trip up those following the leader by doing things in such a complicated manner that those in the group will find it impossible to follow.  As players are…

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Stewardship and Governance By Kent R. Wilson

Practical, focused nonprofit organizational governance is complex to find these days in spite of hundreds of thousands of boards that oversee these organizations. Why is that? A clue could be found in the fact that among the countless print and online resources on governance, few base their approach on a clear understanding of stewardship. Yes,…

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Making Online Connections By Dana Byers

It’s easy to think our online interactions have little meaning. Our tweets join millions of other tweets sent the same minute. The blog posts we publish become old news overnight. Instagram photos of smiling children behind a sea of birthday candles are scrolled over only once — never to be seen again. But every now…

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Finding Your People Where They Are By David Bourgeois

In the past, I have explored the idea that we are in a “post-website world.” Because of this, we must learn how to get our message in front of our audience where they are. And the data show that they are on social networks. But this sometimes leads ministry leaders to the wrong conclusion, as I…

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Is Facebook Holding Your Fans for Ransom? By Georgia Joseph

By Georgia Joseph Facebook marketing is over — welcome to the new era of Facebook advertising. A recent article on AdAge Digital  begins, “Facebook is being more blunt about the fact that marketers are going to have to pay for reach.” So, if you’ve noticed your Facebook referral traffic dropping lately, you’re not the only one and…

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