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Are You Losing or Gaining Donors?  By Liz Hall

Stay on Top of Losing and Gaining Donors Are you gaining enough donors to offset the ones you’re losing? Every nonprofit organization, regardless of how large or small they are, needs to know the answer to this question. While revenue metrics are important, keeping an eye on the number of donors you have has become…

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Stewarding the Mystery of God By Jon Lewis

It is a great gift to be a steward of the Mystery of God. I love a good mystery! Few things are more entertaining to me than reading an old Sherlock Holmes story or watching a rerun of the Agatha Christie Poirot mini-series. That’s why I’ve been intrigued by what the Bible calls, the “mysteries…

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A Mindset Change Back to Normal By Dave Waters

It Will Take a Mindset Change to Find Growth and Normal Again! Organizational growth requires a mindset change. After two years of Covid, many question whether things will ever get back to normal and whether growth is even possible again. The short answer to this question is “yes, growth is possible.” I want to share…

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Will You Serve Down? By Tom Mangham

Serve Down: Learning to Lead Like Jesus I am convinced that Jesus wants followers who intuitively understand that to “serve up” in God’s kingdom means that we actually “serve down.” Take for example how Jesus differentiates his loyal followers from the phonies (described as sheep and goats).  He doesn’t look at who prays the longest,…

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Theology of Engagement By Dr. Zenet Maramara

A Steward’s Engagement With the World The transformational role of the steward leader—in the church, ministries, and the marketplace—requires an understanding of the theology of engagement or the theology of public life as Charles Matthews calls it (Theology of Public Life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007). It is not just limited to direct political…

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Learn To Keep It Simple By Mark Neigh

Get Over the Complicated and Keep it Simple When you keep it simple things get easier, right? There’s an old rule of thumb that says 95% of the people only use 5% of the functions. This is never more true — as Donald Norman pointed out in his excellent book The Design of Everyday Things…

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Downsides of Moral Convictions By Alec Hill

Moral Convictions Drive Behaviors Moral convictions are good. They drive us to feed the hungry, evangelize the lost, protect children, and correct past wrongs. This is particularly true when we sense God’s call. The apostle Paul spoke of being “compelled” to share the good news. Martin Luther King Jr. felt that he had no choice…

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The Truth Inside the Johari Window By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Can your successor design a Johari window? Family and colleagues know me to be a Johari window guy. When groups are stuck, quite often there are a couple of dynamics at cross-purposes. The Johari window is an easy tool to map out those dynamics and transform the conversation with deeper insight and a breakthrough. The…

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What Kind of Leader Am I? By Eddie Baugher

Choosing Between Being a Serving or a Self-Serving Leader As we consider the question, “Am I a serving leader or a self-serving leader?” We need to do so with honesty through God’s eyes (as He sees us).  I believe this is difficult but not impossible to do.  Early Narratives From a very young age we…

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Learning From A Season of Faithfulness By Ron Haas

Like Ruth, is this your season to do good work? Ruth the Moabite faced a new season of life. Her husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law died so she and Naomi traveled back to Bethlehem hoping to start over. When they arrived, Ruth didn’t waste time sitting around feeling sorry for herself. Instead, she got right to…

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