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How to Grow Operating Reserves By Natalie Roderick

You Can Intentionally Grow Your Operating Reserves Most nonprofits are comfortable in having sufficient operating reserves to ensure their continuity, whether 30 days of reserves, three months, or even longer. Many are keeping these reserves in a checking or money market account, even when the dollar amount may be in the millions.  An idea to…

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Multiplying Stewards By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

A 4-Step Approach to Multiplying Stewards God wants all stewards to participate in spreading the good news of Jesus. However, our strategies often bear little fruit. Why? I think we ignore the example of Jesus and how He engaged people and aimed at multiplication. Consider His 4-step approach and how you might multiply stewards at…

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To Conceal or Disclose By Alec Hill

Conceal or Disclose: When Keeping a Secret Can Be Good or Bad It takes wisdom to discern the right time to conceal or disclose sensitive information. When I became InterVarsity’s president, my intent was to be fully transparent. No secrets. But overtime, I began to rethink my approach. I came to see that some secrets…

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Abandoned by the Father By Tami Heim

Abandoned by the Father for Our Sins Today Christ followers observe Good Friday and remember the day when Jesus was abandoned by the Father. It was on this day Jesus become the final sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. In Robby Gallaty’s book, The Forgotten Jesus: How Western Christians should Follow an Eastern…

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Pushing Beyond Digital Engagement to the Point of Return! When  I started in the nonprofit sector I was leading the digital team for an organization communicating with approximately one million people on social media. Their followers were passionate and engaged—regularly commenting, sharing, and liking—and our following was growing by leaps and bounds. MISSING CONVERSION When…

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Holy Week Perspective of Leadership By R. Scott Rodin

Three Moments for a Holy Week Reflection Amid this Holy Week, I invite you to listen to the words of Jesus in his High Priestly Prayer recorded in John 17. Before his final days leading to Calvary, Jesus prays to His Father on our behalf. Here are three reflections for us as leaders as we meditate on our Savior’s…

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Unlock the Power of Delegation By Belay Solutions

Accomplish More and Juggle Less with Delegation How do you know when delegation will make a difference? Is it when you’re sacrificing sleep to get more things done? Is it when you’re deafened by a cacophony of ‘pings’ from your phone, tablet, computer – and more? Is it when you’re drowning in mounds of paperwork?…

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Waiting Produces Leadership Growth By Marybeth Leavell

Learn How Waiting Produces Leadership Growth in You The concept of stewardship is rooted in various psychological and sociological theories. Within the Christian stewardship research stream, the steward leader may act as a representative of the owners, directors, or stakeholders, but ultimately serves God, the owner of all. The leader’s internal motivation to be a…

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Health Benefits and the Great Resignation By John Staub

The Best Protection Against the Great Resignation The Great Resignation is proof that employers and employees need better health benefits options. We shouldn’t have been surprised since the research has shown it coming for years. We were warned that more than half of our employees would leave or stay, but actually seeing millions of members…

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A Season of Passing the Baton By Dr. Zenet MaraMara

Everything is for a season, a time for every activity under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1 After 20 years of serving as the founding CEO of the Christian Stewardship Association, I have entered the season when it time to pass the baton. For many leaders, letting go is much more complex than hanging on. We can get…

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