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Nonprofit Boards in Times of Crisis By Tom Okarma

What Should Nonprofit Boards Be Doing to Help? Here are my  thoughts on what nonprofit boards should be doing to emerge out of the quarantines, lockdowns, and general isolation we’ve been facing. Even if your board is only meeting via Zoom, etc., here are a few ideas on how to begin moving forward and recapturing…

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Bigger than Gifts and Buildings By Gary G. Hoag

What Could be Bigger than Gifts and Buildings? Did you know that the Holy Week teachings of Jesus, which are often described as “the Olivet Discourse,” were prompted by some disciples who were celebrating the magnificence of the temple buildings and their elaborate decor fueled by donations? Ironically, this took place immediately after Jesus downplayed…

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Four Foundation Funding Myths By Debbie DiVirgilio

What Myths Have You Been Believing? Myths are sometimes hard to detect, especially when it come to foundations. Many nonprofits seek foundation funding to support the mission of their organization. However, many grant seekers frequently become discouraged and frustrated—often because they have bought into one of the common myths about foundation funding. Others never seek…

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Measuring Fundraising Success By Dr. Zenet Maramara

A Different Way of Measuring Fundraising Success Traditional fundraising measures success in terms of meeting targets: amount of money raised, return on investment (ROI), increase in giving and donor data base. All these are good, but if success is measured by these targets only, then we are merely transactional and not transformational fundraisers. From Transaction…

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Defeat The Virus of Discouragement By Matt Fore

2 Powerful Prescriptions To Defeat The Virus of Discouragement When it came to medical advice, your Grandma’s ideas might have been skewed. To be fair, it probably wasn’t her fault. Home remedies were passed down from Mt. Sinai through the family tree and they landed at your house. That’s why, as a kid, you lay…

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Lead Like it Matters to God By W. Scott Brown

Outcomes Conference Book of the Year Lead Like it Matters to God This week, as we mark the 45th Anniversary of Christian Leadership Alliance, we are pleased to announce the Outcomes Conference Book of the Year, Lead Like it Matters to God by Rich Stearns. Rich is the president emeritus of World Vision U.S., and…

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Stewarding our Daily Bread By Jon Lewis

Give us this day our daily bread. This tiny verse about our daily bread is tucked into the very middle of the Lord’s Prayer. It has been a great text passage for sermons on God’s faithful providence. But have you ever stopped to think how much this verse also teaches us about being a faithful…

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How a CFO Can Propel a Capital Campaign By Brent Hafele

8 Actions a CFO Can Take to Propel a Capital Campaign The majority of nonprofit executives and Christian Leadership Alliance members will tell you that “building future financial sustainability” is one of their organization’s top strategic priorities. One of the best ways to do that is through better fundraising. The CFO Recently a nonprofit CFO…

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From Whom Should I Learn? By Dr. Bob Snyder

Are you prepared to learn? What I learn is influenced by where I turn for answers and to whom I listen. The WHO is often as important as the WHAT in learning. My willingness to be open and teachable determines the path of my life journey. Early in my teenage years my mother and father…

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Discover Words That Inspire By R. Scott Rodin

Words That Inspire Leaders Writing blogs on leadership always presents the challenge of articulating new ways and words to inspire and equip leaders. These blogs are meant to share unique angles on leadership practices that can inform and encourage our readers for today’s challenges. Recently, however, I’ve found myself reflecting on words of advice from…

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