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105 Ways to Follow Jesus By David Sanford

Are We Mindful of the 105 Ways to Follow Jesus? If you pay close attention while reading the Gospels, you discover that nearly every time Jesus talks with someone, He uses a new approach. He does so for good reason. After all, each individual starts at a different place, with different beliefs and misconceptions, with…

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COVID, Stress, Trauma, and You By Ron Frey

Are you experiencing COVID trauma or something else? Evelyn* was reaching her limits and it was not just the effect of COVID on ministry operations, or a family member contracting the disease. Nor was it the existential threat it posed to the organization’s financial viability, the disruption caused by a board member or a series…

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Is GameStop a Game Changer? By Bryan C. Taylor

Social Media becomes the game changer for GameStop. The recent move in GameStop has raised eyebrows and set the social media world on fire.  Many wonder what is actually happening behind the scenes. Given the questions we are fielding, many are also concerned about ramifications for the broader markets.  While it is certainly possible that…

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What Happens When the Senior Leader is Hit by A Bus? By Alec Hill

Your Senior Leader is Hit by a Bus: How Ministries Can Survive Unexpected Leadership Transitions “What will we do if our senior leader gets hit by a bus?” is a question often asked by boards. In 2015, I had served as InterVarsity’s president for 14 years. Despite assorted bumps, the ministry was experiencing a fruitful…

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The Journey Center of the Path By R. Scott Rodin

A Steward’s Journey: Leading from the Center of the Path In my work through The Steward’s Journey, we equip leaders for the journey of becoming steward leaders through a process of understanding and embracing seven keys. The third of those keys reads as follows: Steward leaders are secure in their identities in Jesus Christ. They…

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The Audience of One By Dr. Jerry White

Authenticity is Found in Serving An Audience of One It was said they played for an audience of one. George Balanchine was the famous director of the New York City Ballet. Those who danced said they would have thunderous applause and accolades, but they did not feel good unless Balanchine was pleased. The authentic leader…

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A Healthy Digital Ministry Mindset By Chad Williams

Five Signs of a Healthy Digital Ministry Mindset   Christian leaders know that digital is central to ministry strategy because digital is central to the way people live today. As we lead ministries digitally, we lead with pastoral hearts and we strive to grow and know the capabilities of technology for ministering to people today.…

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God’s Provision for Leaders By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

  God’s Provision for Those Who Trust Him Sometimes our leadership practice looks like we are obeying the economics of supply and demand versus trusting God’s provision. We have budgets to meet, folks knocking at our office door, and there is always one more nagging email. Our time and attention become an exchange of ‘goods…

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Entering into The Next Normal By Dave Raley

Marketing and Fundraising in the Next Normal   Are you ready to enter into the next normal? According to a 2020 Pew survey, more than four out of every five U.S. adults say that there are lessons for mankind to learn from the coronavirus outbreak. And about a third of adults say these lessons are…

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Understanding Donors and Potential By Keith Cleghorn

What Every Fundraiser Needs to Know about Donors Chances are at some point in your fundraising career, you will question your communication plan for “major donors.” And while Douglas Shaw and Associates is not a major gifts consulting firm, we are often invited into conversations as an organization in defining the “boundaries” between direct response…

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