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The End of Christendom By Jon Lewis

Stewarding the End of Christendom . . . Again Christendom, as my mission history textbook explains, was a part of history and a part of the world where nations pushed their political objectives simultaneously with the goal of Christian religious domination. Peaking during the 15th to 17th centuries when European colonial powers were advancing their…

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Special Employee Health Care By Ginger Hill

Employee Health Care for Mental and Emotional Health Struggles The rise of mental and emotional health struggles  have been well documented during this pandemic period. In fact, in my corner of the world, the county coroner recently issued a dire warning about the upcoming fall and winter season based on concerns about a 23% increase…

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Showcase Friday: Surprise and Delight Resources

SHOWCASE FRIDAY: A SURPRISE AND DELIGHT LIST OF RESOURCES Christian Leadership Alliance presents another Showcase Friday. This week we are sharing a potpourri of amazing service providers and ministries you need to know about if you are a church, Christian nonprofit or educational institute! Check out the sneak previews and visit their websites. We hope…

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Calibrate Your Heart and Mind By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Learn to Calibrate Heart and Mind to The Master’s Voice As a steward my choice to pause and meditate allows me to continually calibrate my heart and mind to the Master’s voice. The spiritual practices of prayer, contemplation and reflection strengthen the bond of trust between me and God, my owner. Because when I pause…

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Custom Communications By Graham Shaw and Shelley Cochrane

Create Custom Communications that Work! It is possible for you to create custom communications that will work hard for you mission and ministry! “Your organization’s greatest challenge isn’t being exceptional, it’s being understood.” A friend of ours wrote this recently—and we would add, your greatest challenge isn’t being exceptional, it’s being understood so powerfully that…

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Shaken By Larry Gadbaugh

A Whole Lot Has Been Shaken! Portland, Oregon has been shaken. This is where I was born and raised, and I’ve never seen this kind of upheaval here before. As if the Pandemic wasn’t enough to rattle our cage, in recent weeks we’ve become the poster community for sustained racial protest and trial by wildfire…

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The Blessing for Those Who Mourn By Mark L. Vincent

Claim the Blessing for Those Who Mourn   Today I claim the blessing for those of us who mourn, that we might be comforted. Watching a news report the day after Barack Obama’s first-term inauguration, I heard a fashion critic commenting on the choices of Michelle and daughters as they dressed for the inauguration and the…

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The Most Important Prayer By Jim Stern

 Most Important Prayer for Every Circumstance “The model prayer of our Lord, called familiarly ‘The Lord’s Prayer,’ is the universal prayer, because it is peculiarly adapted to all men everywhere in all circumstances in all times of need.” E.M. Bounds[1] Edward McKendree (E.M.) Bounds (1835–1913) was a Methodist minister and Civil War chaplain. He considered…

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Our Greatest Opportunity By Dr. Arthur Satterwhite III

The Opportunity to Thrive in Adversity It is in times of dire straits that the very makeup of our communities, the design of society as interconnected networks of generationally diverse peoples, offers us the greatest opportunity to thrive amidst adversity. Stronger Together In moments of great trial, the recipe for success has always been the…

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Enslaved by Debt By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  The Real and Present Dangers of Debt We live in a time when social activists are seeking to end slavery and human trafficking around the globe, while a more nefarious foe has enslaved the peoples of the earth: DEBT (Proverbs 22:7b). Our global economy has been built on debt. For Americans, the availability of…

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