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3 Ways to Inspire Givers By David Henke

Three Ways to Inspire Faithful Givers Cultivating consistent givers in a world full of deceptions and schemes manipulating people out of their money is challenging. Many ministry leaders struggle with how to talk about giving in a way that is inspiring and excites donors about what God is doing in ministry. Here are three key…

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A Strong Leader? By W. Scott Brown

  What does it mean to be a Strong Leader? Being a “strong leader” is deeply misunderstood in today’s world. We live in a unique historical moment in which autocratic-style leaders have risen to power in many nations. Regardless of their diverse paths to power, these leaders similarly view leadership strength as the unbridled exercise…

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Analytics Rule By Emily Cox

Analytics rule when measuring ministry outcomes. Measuring ministry outcomes helps organizations answer the question, “How are we doing?” This question is critical. But an even more important question is, “How do I make the best thing happen?” While measurement helps you understand how you are doing, it is analytics that guides you along the path…

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Tectonic Shifts By Cole Costanzo

Understand the Shifts and Landscape for Giving I realize it is not particularly novel to posit that we are living in an era of tectonic shifts in the world of global ministry and Christian giving. Nonetheless, it is vital we park on that fact. The giving and generosity landscapes have been changing, and continue to…

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The Battle to be Self-Sufficient By Howard Rich

How does a leader overcome the need to be self-sufficient? Leaders often feel they are supposed to know what to do at all times, have all the answers, cannot have problems, and should be self-sufficient.  Throughout my life, I have battled what I would classify as extreme self-sufficiency, with no small amount of pride welling…

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Engaging Major Donors by Andrew Olsen

Keys to engaging major donors and deepening relationships Here are 13 sure ways to engage major donors and deepen your relationships for future fundraising success. Invite donors to participate in the mission. There is no better way to create engagement than giving your major donors the opportunity to experience in person the life changing work…

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Dreaming Big By Dr. Bev Upton

The Leader’s Call to Dreaming Big The most important aspect of a vision for an organization is that it evokes passion and hope. The two most important stakeholder groups who must resonate with this desired image of the future are those who work in the organization to achieve the vision and those who financially support…

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God’s Call to Rest By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

God’s Call to Steward Leaders – Rest As leaders we easily can spend our days focused on growth, forward movement, flourishing – all good things, but for today I invite you to contemplate how God calls you to steward your life and work when you rest in His redemption. “It feels like taking a deep…

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Fundamentals for Effective Leadership By Mark Holbrook

Five Fundamentals for Effective Leadership After more than 30 years of experience in the CEO role, I am often asked about the fundamentals I have learned about effective  leadership.  Today I am sharing them here with you. Forget the learning curve It’s more like a slope or cliff, the kind you crawl up, slipping and sliding…

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Avoiding College Debt By Gary Hoag

Stewardship and Avoiding College Debt In Managing God’s Money, Randy Alcorn reports startling statistics (165). “For many people, debt has become not the exception but the rule. The average American family devotes ¼ of its spendable income to outstanding debts. Since 1945, consumer debt in the United States has multiplied 31 times. The IRS calculates…

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