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Christian Leadership Alliance

Don’t Defend Yourself…And Live Like Jesus By R. Scott Rodin

Are you ready to lead in a selfless, sacrificial way? This week, I explore the five surefire ways to lose your reputation as a leader…and live like Jesus. Fail to live up to other’s expectations Tell the truth Don’t defend yourself Defy success Lead by waiting for God’s timing in everything Today, I unpack number…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Tell the Truth…And Live Like Jesus By R. Scott Rodin

Are you ready to lead in a selfless, sacrificial way? This week, I explore the five surefire ways to lose your reputation as a leader…and live like Jesus. Here’s the list: Fail to live up to other’s expectations Tell the truth Don’t defend yourself Defy success Lead by waiting for God’s timing in everything Today,…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Fail to Live Up to Other’s Expectations By R. Scott Rodin

Learning to lead like Jesus For everyone in leadership who wants to follow Jesus, I would suggest the best place to start is Philippians 2:7, where Paul tells us that Jesus “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.” It does not say Jesus became a man of immoral…

Christian Leadership Alliance

The Stages of Stewardship By Ken R. Wilson

A Historical Look Stewardship has not always had the same meaning throughout history. Excellent studies have been done on the development of stewardship in the history of the Christian church by Luther Powell and Robert Lynn Wood. In their analyses, one can see the roots of modern definitions and stewardship misconceptions that arose from the…

Christian Leadership Alliance

The Stewardship of Your Intellect By Mark L. Vincent

If a steward leader is a steward of all the assets entrusted to them, then they are a steward of their intellect. Does that go without saying? Perhaps. And yet, acknowledging this is true is not the same as doing the work of expanding one’s base of knowledge, deliberately reducing thinking errors, distinguishing between personal…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Business Ethics: The Trustworthy Steward By Rich Howard

Recently, I listened to a lecture on ethics in leadership by the late Howard Hendricks, a former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He spoke of his participation in a symposium at the Center for Creative Leadership, where it was determined the number one need in business leadership is ethics. In this lecture, Hendricks challenged the…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Thoughts on Authentic Leadership By Liz Selzer

Clarity of Purpose An authentic leader has clarity of God’s purposes and how they as leaders were lovingly and expectantly created to passionately join God in his vision for bringing hope to a hurting world. They see the beauty of gifting in others and work patiently and tirelessly to help people step boldly onto the…

Christian Leadership Alliance

5 Leadership Lessons from Running the Race By Mark Hollbrook

After more than 30 years in the CEO role, people are starting to ask me two questions: First, when am I going to retire? Second, have I learned anything in all that time? The first question is up to the Lord and my board. As for learning, here are some highlights from a guy with…

Christian Leadership Alliance

How To Lead So People’s Brains Can Function By Dr. Henry Cloud

My client, CEO of a 20 billion dollar company, looked at me with one of those expressions that smart people sometimes get when something extra bright goes off in their heads, one of those thoughts that captures even their attention. He looked at me, squinted, and said something like this.  “You know what is weird?”…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Thoughts on Authentic Leadership By Jennie Catron

Learning from a Life Well Lived Last year, I was honored to serve for a day with Missionaries of Charity, the organization Mother Teresa founded in Kolkata, India.  While I expected that day to reconnect my heart with the privilege of serving the fallen and forgotten of our world, I was not prepared for the…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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