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The Outcomes Conference: Intensive Training Institute (ITI)

21 Reasons to Attend the 2015 Intensive Training Institute

Tuesday, April 14, the first day of The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, leaders will begin early with devotions led by Jonathan Evans, Chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys. Next up is the first general session of the conference. Keynote speaker, David Kinnaman, the president and strategic leader of The Barna Group, will challenge leaders with…

On This Eternity Depends

God hath given to man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time eternity depends. – Jeremy Taylor At the  Outcomes Conference, CLA Dallas 2015, Christian Leadership Alliance brings leaders a focus on “time.” God has called you into leadership for such a time as this. The goal of this national leadership…

2014 Compensation Survey Findings for Christian Organizations

Compensation Resources, Inc. (CRI) and Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) have released their 2014 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations. This year’s survey continues to report on salary and bonus data for 114 jobs, along with compensation and benefit information including insurance coverage, paid time off, retirement plans, turnover, work – life, etc. The data is…

Check Your Pulse Through Solitude

By Dr. John R. Frank, OK, it almost the end of the Holiday Season, end of the calendar year, maybe the end of your fiscal year, and somewhat the end of activities for your family. Before you get ready to jump into the new year, new goals, new calendars, new challenges, and new stress, I…

A Force Most Non-profit Leaders Can No Longer Ignore

The Millennials by Atul Tandon Most Millennials may not have a lifetime of earnings to start a foundation or simply give away. But many of them engage with non-profits, and likely will have the potential to be loyal donors in years ahead. Last year, TIME magazine called Millennials the “Me, Me, Me” generation, but numbers…

The Mentoring Impact on Ministry

By Dr. Liz Selzer Mentoring is a powerful tool for developing your staff and, ultimately, your ministry. This is especially true when jobs are tight and people are being asked to take on more tasks and step into more roles. The organizations I have worked with on mentoring have seen dramatic improvements in their workforce,…

How to Sabotage Mentoring by Being a "Good Role Model"

 When I say I struggled to get up this week, struggled to open my Bible, I want her to say, “You know what, sometimes I do too.” I don’t want a perfect woman who always says, “Well, you should have done this.” I want someone completely transparent who can say, “I didn’t either—life is messed…

How to Sabotage Mentoring by Being a "Good Role Model"

 When I say I struggled to get up this week, struggled to open my Bible, I want her to say, “You know what, sometimes I do too.” I don’t want a perfect woman who always says, “Well, you should have done this.” I want someone completely transparent who can say, “I didn’t either—life is messed…

Defining Christian Excellence

By Ted W. Engstrom & Ed Dayton Excellence is a Measure Excellence demands definition. One of the trite replies of our day, when asked how we like something or how well something is going is “Compared to what?” But excellence is like that. It assumes a standard. And conversely, excellence assumes inferiority. It assumes there’s…

Take a Rest

To enter God’s rest . . . means to enjoy the perfect, unshakable confidence of salvation in our Lord. We have no more reason to fear. We have absolute trust and confidence in God’s power and care.—John MacArthur Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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