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Purpose-Driven Impact By Brittané Dodwell

Inspiring Purpose-Driving Teams There is power when teams are inspired by achieving a purposed-driven impact. It takes intentionality and a focused team to unleash it. The fundraising world is fast-paced and ever-evolving as means and methods for donor communications and engagements change. So it’s easy to get lost in the laundry list of deliverables, strategies,…

JOY - the kind that you can bring to others!

Be a Joy Bringer By Ron Haas

Bring Joy to Your Donors On the subject of joy, perhaps you’ve seen this funny poster,  Major donor work involves face-to-face visits in people’s homes or offices. We all bring joy to our donors, but is it when we arrive or leave? Are they glad to welcome you or hide behind the curtains, hoping you…

Summer term for Outcomes Academy Online

Summer Term at the CLA Center for Online Learning Goes Where You Go!

Summer Term Starts at Outcomes Academy Online! Christian Leadership Alliance is committed to equipping leaders. The Outcomes Academy Online offers two professionally facilitated, 10-week cohorts this summer. If you want to develop mission-critical competencies, expand leadership capacity, and align practices with biblically influenced principles, join the Outcomes Academy Online. If you are not a current…

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8 Fundraising Strategies By Christa Huff and Amy Sewall

Fundraising Strategies in an Election Year As we look at the year ahead, one question that is asked repeatedly is, “How will the upcoming election affect my fundraising strategies?” Although we can’t predict the future, we have been through a few election cycles in the past, and what we can say is that with strategic…

Polycentric Participation

Promoting Polycentric Participation By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

A Polycentric Approach to Christian Mission In recent years, Christian workers have used the term “polycentric,” meaning “many centers,” associated with the Christian mission to proclaim that it should not be understood as “from the West to the rest” but rather “from everywhere to everywhere.” But what has not been discussed as widely has been…

Philanthropy and Westfall Gold

Maximizing Philanthropic Impact By Westfall Gold

Philanthropic Impact for Nonprofit Christian Leaders Philanthropy plays a crucial role in advancing that mission. As leaders within the nonprofit Christian sector, we are deeply committed to stewarding our ministries and lives with excellence, honoring God. The 2024 Major Donor Generosity Report, compiled by Westfall Gold, offers valuable insights into significant donor engagement and the…

being human

Learn to Be Human By Ryan Stillwater

The Stories that Reveal the Human Need A few years ago, I was the new development director in a new town for a regional nonprofit organization, attempting to wrap my mind around a new area of human services: domestic violence. We were preparing for our annual banquet, where I would present an overview of our…

Unlock Financial Resources

Modeling Generosity Unlocks Financial Resources By Chris McDaniel

Rethink Your Approach to Financial Resources A common challenge for Christian leaders is to secure financial resources for ministry. I certainly experienced this when I was tasked with raising them. Frequently, ministries are looking for a magic button to push to increase giving by asking why the board does not provide more; how about more…

Generosity versus Materialism

The Superiority of Generosity by Dr. Zenet Maramara

Seven Reasons Why Generosity Wins Over Materialism Scripture provides God’s perspective on generosity and greed. “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” ~ Luke 12:15 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to…

Generously living

Living Generously By Ed McDowell

The Heart of Living Generously Living generously as Christ’s follower comes from believing that God always has more to give to meet a need.   God is inviting us to let His abundance flow through our lives to meet the needs of others while making sure we have what we need along the way.   Our response…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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