Posts Tagged ‘Alex McElroy’
Lessons Learned By Alex McElroy
Lessons Learned: Purposeful Evaluation Oh the lessons I learned when my mom used to say, “a hard head makes a soft bottom.” For those unfamiliar with this idiom, it simply means that you can learn your lesson the easy way or the hard way. Some of us only learn the lesson once we’ve been knocked…
Read MoreI Am Still Becoming By Alex McElroy
Becoming is a process. It is not always clear what something is becoming until it has already become. Recently, my daughter has been learning about life cycles in school. She was enthralled each day to report back the progress – the egg became larvae (caterpillar), then it entered the pupa stage (chrysalis), and finally the…
Read MoreProducing and Multiplying Leaders By Alex McElroy
Are you producing leaders who produce leaders? A lot can be gleaned about producing leader from baking. In both of these endeavors, if you don’t fully comprehend what you’re creating then you won’t know if you’re doing it right or wrong. The goal has to inform the process. One young lady wrote about an…
Read MoreDiscover How Vision Births Legacy By Alex McElroy
How do you pursue a vision that leaves a legacy? Do you long to see your vision be completed? If so, you must long for someone to carry on your legacy. True leaders see their vision as more important than themselves. Therefore, true leaders long to see their vision come to fulfillment even if they…
Read MoreLeadership and Legacy By Alex McElroy
Hamilton Provides A Lesson On Leadership And Legacy I recently had the opportunity to watch the brilliant theater production, “Hamilton”, and it spoke profoundly of leadership and legacy. In awe of brilliant singing, rapping, acting and choreography, it would be easy to miss the brilliant nuggets of information that are peppered throughout the musical.…
Read MoreTruth About Inconvenience By Alex McElroy
The truth about encountering inconvenience. Inconvenience is something that parents know well. For example, when my oldest became ill at night I was awakened. I awoke to the horrors of a stomach virus. Vomit. Everywhere. In her bed, in her hair, and in her clothes. (I still have nightmares about the putrid smell). In an…
Read MoreThe Importance of Modeling By Alex McElroy
Modeling – What You See and What You Do In his book, Urban Apologetics, Christopher Brooks recounts the following story on the importance of modeling. On May 6, 1954, on the Iffley Road Track in Oxford, England, Bannister did what was previously assumed to be impossible, and, by physiologists of his era, even dangerous. He…
Read MoreWhy Are You Here? By Alex McElroy
Leaders, do you know why you are here? Some leaders are overconfident about their leadership ability. Some leaders don’t know how to access their leadership ability. All leaders need to ask themselves the question: why am I here? Whether you’re leading a workshop, ministry, corporation, team, family, or men’s club you should always know why…
Read MoreDisciple-Making Leaders by Alex McElroy
Disciple-Making and Learning to Follow the Leader What role does disciple-making play in leadership? Kevin DeYoung said, “The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians.” Regardless of anyone’s religious views, the logic here is unquestionable. Discipleship is a necessary component for success in any organization or profession. A disciple is…
Read MoreUnder Development By Alex McElroy
Under Development with the Right Foundation Recently, in my neighborhood, it seems like there is always a new house under development. There are construction vans in the alley behind my house and cranes lifting 2 x 4’s and drywall. Often, I am rerouted while driving because streets have been blocked off because of the construction.…
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