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The Ministry of Management By Jim Canning

The Ministry of Management Is a Kingdom Call When I was growing up in the 1940’s and ‘50’s, most churches and other ministries were small, not very complex and not spending much time thinking about management practices. Much of the work was done by volunteers, and the word “management” was generally considered a “business term”…

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A Leader's Shadow By W. Scott Brown

A Leader’s Shadow Can Create Life-Giving Cultures Like a cloud passing dramatically over a mountain valley, a leader’s character casts a profound shadow on the culture of the organization he or she serves. Leaders with positive and lasting cultural influence follow the Apostle Paul’s admonition: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in…

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The Legacy of Leadership with Mark Holbrook

A Perspective on the Legacy of Leadership – An Interview with Mark Holbrook Mark G. Holbrook is passionate about the integration of biblical principles into the workplace. He serves as the vice chairman of Christian Leadership Alliance’s (CLA) board of directors, and as the board chair for ECFA. He has served in various leadership roles…

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Finding Your People Where They Are By David Bourgeois

In the past, I have explored the idea that we are in a “post-website world.” Because of this, we must learn how to get our message in front of our audience where they are. And the data show that they are on social networks. But this sometimes leads ministry leaders to the wrong conclusion, as I…

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