Posts Tagged ‘CEO’
What Happens When the Senior Leader is Hit by A Bus? By Alec Hill
Your Senior Leader is Hit by a Bus: How Ministries Can Survive Unexpected Leadership Transitions “What will we do if our senior leader gets hit by a bus?” is a question often asked by boards. In 2015, I had served as InterVarsity’s president for 14 years. Despite assorted bumps, the ministry was experiencing a fruitful…
Read MoreBiblical Insights on CEO Succession By Dr. Gary G. Hoag
Biblical Insights on CEO Succession to Guide Christian Organizations Though the world of the Bible differed greatly from present times, we do find examples of succession that can inform CEO transitions today. For example, Numbers 27:15-23 offers three keen insights from the story of Moses and Joshua. And Moses said to the Lord, “May the…
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