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Jesus as Leader and Mentor By Tami Heim

By Tami Heim There is much we can learn from Jesus as leader and mentor. Jesus modeled teaching and mentoring after he called the first disciples to follow him. He connected with them where they were and shared a greater possibility of them transforming into “fishers of men.”  The Scriptures detail how Jesus deeply invested…

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Lock in a Strong Start to 2015 by Tami Heim

By  Tami Heim Refreshment and renewal are common companions that usher in a new year. As a leader, you know well the routine of setting goals, expectations, and documenting the desired outcomes you are compelled to achieve. Reflecting and reconciling the past brings forth energy that fuels your plans for the future. Possibilities abound and…

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Who Is In Control?

“Unless we’re convinced the good Lord is in absolute control of everything, we’ll be controlled by anxiety and fear.”—George Foreman  God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 AMP  We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love…

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Leading Boldly and Depending on God

By Nancy Hathaway Back in the mid-90s, my husband Steve and I prayed that God would use us in some way. We had busy and satisfying careers, but were restless. We didn’t want to waste the rest of our lives. Looking back I can see God was changing our hearts. Over time it became clear…

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Take a Rest

To enter God’s rest . . . means to enjoy the perfect, unshakable confidence of salvation in our Lord. We have no more reason to fear. We have absolute trust and confidence in God’s power and care.—John MacArthur Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you…

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How Well Are You Stewarding You? By Dr. John Franks

The Importance of Stewarding You I have been working with nonprofit ministries for 35 years.  In the past 4-5 years I have done more soul searching and self-examination than the previous 30 years combined. I guess we get that way as we get older.  But in addition to age I had to ask myself- am…

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Are You Listening? By Dr. Henry Cloud

“You won’t believe what happened today,” a leadership conference attendee said at the dinner gathering. “What?” I asked. “After your talk today about trust being built through connecting with another person’s reality, I had a breakthrough,” he said. “Really? What happened?” I asked. “Well, for the last year, I have been stuck in a logjam…

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