Posts Tagged ‘Christian Leadership Alliance CLA’
What's Impact Got to Do With It?
Impact has a lot to do with you. Faith-based nonprofits have visions and missions that guide the ‘why and how’ of their desired impact. If you serve in one, then perhaps you already recognize the significance of your leadership and your personal impact when it comes to achieving the ministry’s mission. United Christian Leadership Alliance…
Read MoreAn Interview with James Ackerman
An Interview with James Ackerman, CEO of Prison Fellowship Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) President and CEO, Tami Heim, recently interviewed Prison Fellowship President and CEO James Ackerman. Prison Fellowship seeks to restore hope and share God’s redeeming grace with prisoners and their families around the world. Prior to becoming Prison Fellowship’s president and CEO in…
Read MoreMinistry Life Cycle Lessons from Acts By Jim Liske and Wesley Willmer
At the center of all Christian life and mission is Jesus’ command: “Follow me!” What do we witness when we obey? The lame walk, the blind see, the lost are found, the proud are humbled, and prisoners find freedom. For Jesus’ first disciples, the command to follow had a literal component — they joined Jesus…
Read MoreThe Aligned Board By Larry Johnston
The notion of alignment has shaped my thinking about nonprofit organizations for many years. While somewhat intuitive at one level, intuition alone isn’t enough to align the management of nonprofits. It would be best to have precise, practical tools and no small amount of wisdom, sheer grit, chutzpah, and dogged persistence. What continues to astonish…
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