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How to Advance Your Ministry Online By Jason Caston

The world is rapidly changing, and in order to keep up, and minister effectively to your congregation, you need to take advantage of the latest technology that your parishioners are using to stay connected with friends and family, do business, and take care of their personal and spiritual needs. This can be a confusing set…

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Following God's Lead: Pamela Palumbo's Story

In 1982, Pamela Palumbo, volunteered for what she thought was going to be a six-month stint at her church’s ministry to women at risk for abortions. Thirty-one years later, she continues as CEO of the Pregnancy Clinic, with locations in Annapolis, Bowie Crofton, and Severna Park, Md. She spoke with Outcomes about how the ministry has embraced…

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Taking Care of Your Donors By Rick Dunham

According to a Nielsen, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from family and friends above any form of advertising. Yet when most organizations think of how to grow their support or advance their cause, the first thing they run to is marketing or some sort of public relations effort. Make no mistake, those efforts are…

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4 Reasons Why Following Well Matters By James C. Galvin

Leadership remains a white-hot topic. Amazon lists over 1,000 new titles that will be released in 2013 alone. That means a new book on leadership is being listed on Amazon every eight hours. I decided to add to the overabundance and write a book to help people formulate a sound theology of leadership. But I…

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People: A Leverage Point for Change By James Lewis CCNL

Your ministry is aging. The internal culture has changed, and the external context is vastly different than what you started with twenty or even ten years ago. To adjust to these changes many start by reviewing their mission statement, which defines the organization as a whole. However, my studies and experience have led me to…

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Raising Up Stewards By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Most people think that the job of development professionals is to “raise money” for the ministries they serve. Others go a step further and express that they “build relationships with people” who already support or may be interested in supporting God’s work there. Both of these comments are byproducts or results that may flow from…

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It Is The Veteran

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. ~ John 15:13 Millions of men and women have died, been wounded or gone missing for the safety and freedom of America. On this Veteran’s Day we remember their commitment and unselfish service. We praise God for their faithfulness and…

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3 Principles of Truth and Trust By Dan Busby

Trust is difficult to earn, easy to lose, and even more difficult to regain. It has been said, “Trust leaves on horseback and returns on foot.” If true, it is no wonder it feels like the Kentucky Derby, Belmont Stakes, and Preakness Stakes have all three been running 24/7 in some high circles in the…

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What We Need Every Day By Doug Thorson

As Christ followers we have been rescued from living a selfish and aimless life of sin and been reconciled to God as Father for the enjoyment of His great love and Kingdom purposes.  This rescue came through the death of Christ, on the cross, for our sins that we might no longer live for ourselves…

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When Leaders Have Trouble with the Curve By Scott Rodin

If you watched the baseball playoffs and now the World Series, it’s clear that most professional baseball players have a hard time hitting a good curveball. There is a different kind of curve that challenges every leader. It is the direction we are curved toward the people we lead and the organizations we serve. There…

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