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9 God-honoring Principles of a Fundraising Ministry By Wesley K. Willmer

How people use their possessions is a testimony to others—a trademark that shows people who a person is and what they believe. There’s an eternal link between our possessions and soul—and we must help people realize that connection. We can embrace fundraising as a ministry only as we understand the relationship between spiritual growth and…

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God’s Word And Your Leadership Style By George Warton

From the perspective of the Christ following leader there is an inherent coupling between a personal relationship with Christ and the ability to effectively execute as a leader in an organization.  The challenge is that there is little analysis that supports this seemingly intuitive assertion.  Most literature is anecdotal in nature demanding further study through…

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Is God in Your Plans? By Mike Bomen

Just mention “long-range planning” around a group of church leaders, and you are sure to get a variety of reactions – deep sighs, shaking heads, uncomfortable chuckles … and maybe a few eyes that light up. Planning is one of the most notable areas where churches can experience gridlock in the intersection of secular and…

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5 Responses to the Challenges of Redevelopment By Matthew Thomas

Detroit’s recent bankruptcy filing placed the issues many declining municipalities face directly in the public eye. Detroit’s experience is a large-scale and extreme example of what many cities, towns, and other municipalities face as their population and revenues begin to decline: The need to increase revenues and reduce city services to maintain fiscal health The breakdown…

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God's Perspective on Labor

Understanding Labor Day In celebration of Labor Day, we turn to God’s word and meditate on the scriptures that reveal God’s perspective on labor. We reflect on what the Word says about God’s character, about us, and the difference it makes when we apply His truth to our lives. Give generously to them and do so…

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Can We Be Honest? By Rebecca Hays

Sometimes asking a question out loud allows us to reflect upon the answer genuinely. We’ve heard, God is our Provider.  We may even say it to others, but do we live and work like we truly believe it? How often do we pray in a board meeting and immediately turn our focus to the budget,…

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Missing God’s Intent By R. Scott Rodin

What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own…

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A Closer Look at God-honoring Teamwork By Bill Frisby

In our rapidly changing world the days of the heroic, lone-ranger CEO are over. Today, teamwork is the byword in executive leadership. It’s a necessity for any ministry serious about advancing the kingdom. A few years ago, we at Strengthening Leaders, spoke with the board vice chairman of a well-known international ministry as he was…

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Is Great the Enemy of Godly? By Mike Bonem

“Good is the enemy of great,” according to Jim Collins in the well-known opening line of Good to Great. Collins’s best-selling book has been a favorite guide for business leaders and has been equally influential for many leaders outside of business, including those in the church. I am one of those leaders who have been…

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Saying “I do” to Workplace Peace By Wendi Dykes

Good leaders in the workplace are also expected to love, honor, cherish, and effectively communicate through crisis and conflict. It is no wonder conflict in organizations is so difficult to understand. When it comes right down to it, we may feel that we’re asked to adhere to similar levels of respect and commitment with those…

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