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Fight the Fretting Fad By Jon Lewis

The Truth About Fretting Few things undermine a leader’s effectiveness more than FRETTING! Yet the state of being bothered, worried, or anxious seems to increase as we are bombarded increasingly with news and personal situations that directly impact our moral sensibilities. Not only has there been an escalation of incredibly troubling world events, but it…

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4 Strategies to Cope with Conflict By Marilyn L. Donnellan

How to Change a Culture of Conflict Conflict has become the acceptable norm in our lives, not just in the Middle East but also in our personal lives, churches, and businesses. Regardless of where the conflict is coming from, four strategies will help you cope. #1: Discover the Source of the Conflict Where is it…

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Dying to Lead By Dr. Rob McKenna

The Decision to Lead Like Christ It’s tough when you lead to selling an idea that suggests outcomes don’t come first, that the survival of your organization isn’t priority number one, and that preservation, profitability, meaning, self-actualization, happiness, confidence, and results aren’t the point. That’s a tough sell. If the concept of sacrificing yourself as…

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Reputation as Idol by Alec Hill

The Dangers of Focusing on Reputation Abraham Lincoln once wrote: “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Lincoln is saying two things. First, Character matters, and we should diligently seek to cultivate it. Second, reputation is derivative and…

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The Power of Organizational Alignment By Elaine Welcome

Organizational Alignment Drives Success A vital factor in achieving organizational alignment is ensuring that individual employee and leadership goals align with the overall organizational goals. This alignment serves as a critical driver for success. Let’s explore the significance and benefits of goal alignment to drive organizational success. Organizations can create a harmonious and motivated workforce…

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The Myth of Normal By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

What We Need to Know About Normal and Disciplined Thinking We can’t return to a new normal if we never left it. If leaders can (re)learn anything on this side of Pandemic Time, as Palestinians and Israelis murder each other, the threat of another war in Kosovo, and yet another deadly earthquake in Afghanistan, it is that the…

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The Essential Need for Laughter By Dr. Bob Snyder

Laughter Always Lifts Us Recent travels have placed me in the presence of friends full of laughter. As a result, my spirit became light, my body – energized, and my heart – hope-filled. My journey became light in their midst. The impact of humor grabbed me when Norman Cousins, former editor of Saturday Review, published…

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Living and Leading in an Age of Anxiety By R. Scott Rodin

Learn to Resist the Anxiety the World Provides Mark Sayer’s new book, A Non-Anxious Presence, How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders, suggests that anxiety is the dominant theme in our world and our leadership. This anxiety is generated by what he calls the ‘gray zone’ in which…

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The Goliath in All of Us By Dr. Rob McKenna

Are you more like Goliath than David? A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. He was over nine feet tall. He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels; on his legs, he wore bronze greaves,…

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Perspective on Homogeneity By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Refreshing Our Perspective on Homogeneity Early in the pastoring part of my career, our congregation’s leaders studied the homogeneity principle—essentially, like attracts like. The experts said that folks with similar incomes, education, experience, ethnicity, and interests are naturally drawn to each other. The more homogeneity, the more they congeal. The faster you can grow your…

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