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Thoughts on Authentic Leadership By Jennie Catron

Learning from a Life Well Lived Last year, I was honored to serve for a day with Missionaries of Charity, the organization Mother Teresa founded in Kolkata, India.  While I expected that day to reconnect my heart with the privilege of serving the fallen and forgotten of our world, I was not prepared for the…

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Authentically Reflecting Jesus By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

I don’t know about you, but my heart is racing to think about reflecting Jesus. And at this minute, I am running to the Father just as Jesus did. It’s the only way. We can’t do this on our own. Jesus modeled a connection to the Father perfectly. Scripture shares how Jesus connected to the…

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3 Components of Fruitful Christian Stewardship Campaigns By Dr. Gary Hoag

The goal of Christian stewardship campaigns is to rally people to participate with God in His work through prayer, service, giving, and social interaction. Done right, campaigns build interpersonal and virtual communities! Because God’s Word contains no magic formula for success, how should we lead? Research reveals that faithfulness to biblical teachings in three areas…

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Leading in the Glory-strength of God By Tami Heim

Be assured that from the first day, we heard of you; we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of…

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Thoughts On Authentic Leadership By Billy Burnett

Becoming an Authentic Replica Around 30 years ago, there was a television commercial in which a famous singer was used to produce a specific pitch that would shatter a delicate glass. then a voice-over would ask: “Is it live, or is it Memorex?”  The point, of course, was that you couldn’t tell the difference. Authentic…

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7 Secrets to Leading the Next Generation By Dr. Tim Elmore

I just got off the phone with a business friend. He and I chuckled over an interview he’d just conducted with a recent college graduate. The candidate was a bright and overconfident female who told him in the midst of their conversation: “I’m going to have your job in 18 months.” My friend passed on…

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5 Rules of Engagement for Ministry Marketing By Shannon Litton

Mission-minded ministry leaders often overlook (or choose to set aside) the critical job of building a sustainable and effective brand. Ministries must not underestimate brand management’s vital role in engaging and sustaining relationships with those who make their work possible. Your audience today requires authenticity. The shiny, perfectly packaged messages of yesterday are no longer…

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Thoughts on Authentic Leadership By Holly Moore

Authenticity is Built on Trust The leaders who impacted me the most early in my career led authentically. I was open to their influence because the relationship was built on trust and open communication. Now, I am trying to emulate their example and continue to grow in my ability to lead authentically. It makes or…

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Seeking the Right Applause By R. Scott Rodin

A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads, “It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands; the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.”  Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause.  It can come in the…

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More on Leadership from Dr. Wess Stafford

CLA President and CEO Tami Heim shares the rest of her interview with Dr. Wess Stafford, president and CEO of Compassion International. Dr. Stafford, CLA is honored to have you as a keynote for CLA’s 2013 Conference, “The Authentic Leader.”How important is authenticity? People hunger for authentic leaders. As a follower of Christ, living without integrity is not an option.…

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