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Indifference or Commitment By Ed McDowell

The Invitation to Commitment  The invitation of Jesus Christ is a commitment to have relationship with Him and the Church to reach the world with the invitation to be reconciled to God and live victoriously with Him forever. This invitation to hear Jesus Christ knocking and speaking will always be accepted and responded to by…

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Mission Drift Part II: How to Avoid It By Becca Spradlin

With the Right Focus – You Can Avoid Mission Drift! Today we continue the conversation from Part I on Mission Drift with a focus on how to avoid it. In the nonprofit sector, there are practical steps leaders can take to avoid drifting and continue to maximize their organization’s eternal impact. As drift within an…

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Mission Drift Part I: The Danger By Becca Spradlin

It Takes Commitment to Stay on Mission What you do today can help your organization stay on mission for generations to come. Reality of Mission drift Consider why your organization exists. What are its Christ-centered ambitions? How are they lived out each day? These elements make up your capital “M” Mission. It often goes beyond…

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Lessons in Leadership Transition By David Zimmerman

Moving Effectively Through Leadership Transition I asked former boss if I could transition and eventually serve a publishing program in executive leadership. His response was, ” You don’t have the it factor.” A few years later, I found myself in just such a role—with no training and no warning whatsoever. My peers were suddenly my…

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When Going Backwards is a Good Idea By Alec Hill

In Praise of Strategic Retreats Shortly after the American Revolutionary War began, General George Washington faced a dilemma of epic proportions. He had to decide whether his 10,000 troops should stand and fight 32,000 British soldiers in New York City. If he left the battlefield, he might be viewed as a weak leader. The Continental…

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Navigating the Waters By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Navigating the Waters of A Leader’s Journey Recently, my husband, Wayne, and I enjoyed kayaking off the Florida Keys in the clear blue waters of the Gulf. We found ourselves meandering through mangrove tunnels. My mind began to ponder the parallels of my journey as a ministry leader. While our excursion was sheer pleasure, there…

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How a Jar of Dirt Can Save America By R. Scott Rodin

What will you do with a jar of dirt? What will we learn from a jar of dirt when It’s challenging to enter 2023 without some sense of foreboding? We seem to be living in an unrelenting tension between our firm conviction that God is on the throne and the evidence of a nation that…

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A Deeper Look at The Marriage Act By Gregory S. Baylor

What You May Not Know About the Marriage Act The misnamed ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ undermines marriage and threatens religious freedom and free speech. What is the Respect for Marriage Act? The misnamed Respect for Marriage Act codifies in federal law an incorrect understanding of marriage. And it enables litigation against those who disagree. While…

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The Importance of Thank You By Douglas Shaw

Rule #36: Saying Thank you to donors is necessary and profitable Saying thank you – it sounds so simple, right? There’s a great Wallace Shawn line from the classic movie, The Princess Bride, that always come to mind whenever I hear the annual poll results of donors’ top two giving complaints: (1) not being thanked…

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A NEW YEAR COMES WITH NEW POSSIBILITIES The new year of 2023 has arrived and now you have this extra holiday Monday to consider what’s ahead for you. You also have today to make sure you’ve gained full closure on the events and experiences from 2022.  If you allow unresolved things to linger, before you…

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