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Binding Us Together By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Binding With the Right Ingredients Shapes the Outcome Binding agents matter in baking cakes and leadership. I have a pound cake recipe in my baking collection that is my ‘go-to,’ ‘tried-and-true’ cake. Through the years, I’ve tried other cake recipes and even doctored up a few box cakes adding my spin. The pound cake remains.…

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Realignment in Leadership By Larry Gadbaugh

Realignment in Leadership is Essential Realignment is an essential discipline for leaders. Especially coming through this season of moral, cultural, economic, political, and ideological upheaval. It’s Necessary Realignment is a necessary part of vehicle maintenance. Especially when we’re constantly running into potholes and hitting road debris. We recently took our car in for an alignment.…

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Your Most Valuable Quality During Year-End By Shelley Cochrane

Keep the Right Focus at Year-End The year-end giving season is a busy time when development staff works fast and furiously to keep donor processes running smoothly. Rightly, you concentrate on shoring up data entry processes, fixing payment processing issues, updating website pages, and making address changes. These processes are critical. What Matters Most But…

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Multiplying Faithful and Generous Stewards By Dr. Zenet Maramara

  Becoming Faithful Stewards Set Free to Lead Those of you who are faithfully engaged in professional fundraising know that this job is a never-ending cycle of acquiring, cultivating, asking, engaging, and maintaining relationships with partners and financial givers. Fundraising work never lets up. Year after year, we have targets and financial goals to achieve.…

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The Risks of Working Remote by Brian H. Merriam

Understand the Risks of Supporting Remote Employees Before the COVID-19 pandemic remote working from home was, of course, quite rare… after all, the workplace is where workers belong, right? Well, of course after March of 2020 the rules of employment work patterns changed: employers wanted their staff to continue to do what needed to be…

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Consulting and The Informed Choice By Mark L. Vincent

Discover the Power in Process Consulting In recent years the work of Ed Schein began to distinguish between the expertise and knowledge often plied as the trade of consulting, and the more iterative method of bringing curiosity and co-creating the needed work with the Client.  What is now known as the field of Process Consulting…

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The Danger of Possessions By Wesley K. Willmer

 What’s your perspective on your possessions? Did you know that possessions are mentioned in Scripture three times more than love, seven times more than prayer, and eight times more than belief? Clearly, the link between stewards and their stuff is very important to God, and the manner in which the topic appears reveals that believers…

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Standing at the Crossroads By Dr. Bob Snyder

What path will you follow at the crossroads? Scripture provides clear directions on what to do when you find yourself standing at the crossroads. This is what the Lord says, “Stand at the crossroads and look;ask for the ancient path, ask where the good way is, and walk in itand you will find rest for…

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Different Perspectives on Time By Alec Hill

Each Generation Views Time Differently Most young adults see the future and time as having a long trajectory. Looking ahead to a seemingly endless time horizon, they prize having novel experiences, meeting new people, and learning new things. Priorities include exploration and achievement. By contrast, those of us who are older tend to live more…

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Farewell to Fickle Fundraising By Ron Haas

How to Avoid Fickle Fundraising The Cambridge English Dictionary defines fickle as “likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason.” I wanted to visit you first to that you might benefit twice. I wanted to visit you on my way to Macedonia and to come to you from Macedonia,…

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