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Leading Against The Tide By Larry Gadbaugh

The Season Leading Against the Tide Most of us find ourselves leading against the tide in this season of upheaval. Faithfulness to our convictions calls us to go against the grain even more than ever. We face this challenge at a number of levels, from HR policy, to government mandates, and even within some of…

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Doing Good Works By W. Scott Brown

Doing The Good Works God Has Prepared for Us “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph. 2:10) Cultural conflict grabs headlines, but there is another story happening today. Christian organizations and leaders are quietly and faithfully transforming lives. It’s…

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A Daring Faith By Ken Harrison

A Daring Faith in A Cowardly World This week marks the release of Ken Harrison’s newest book, A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World: Living a Live without Waste, Regret or Anything Left Unfinished. Today we present a blog adaptation from the five-day reading plan that was designed so you can practically apply the key…

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GPS: God’s Protection System By Jay Cordova

GPS: God’s Protection System for YOU Like many, I find it difficult to drive without a GPS, but despite having this tool, I still find myself distracted by my surroundings, my four kids in backseat, or incoming calls (hands-free of course). While I have the roadmap provided for me, I still tend to lose track…

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The Development Team By Ron Frey

Time to Build Your Development Team! As one of my clients recently said, “Finding the right donor development person will take a miracle.” Finding good employees for any ministry job these days is challenging. From his vantage point, the combination of very high costs of living in his geographic area combined with the moderate salary…

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Are You Losing or Gaining Donors?  By Liz Hall

Stay on Top of Losing and Gaining Donors Are you gaining enough donors to offset the ones you’re losing? Every nonprofit organization, regardless of how large or small they are, needs to know the answer to this question. While revenue metrics are important, keeping an eye on the number of donors you have has become…

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Stewarding the Mystery of God By Jon Lewis

It is a great gift to be a steward of the Mystery of God. I love a good mystery! Few things are more entertaining to me than reading an old Sherlock Holmes story or watching a rerun of the Agatha Christie Poirot mini-series. That’s why I’ve been intrigued by what the Bible calls, the “mysteries…

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A Mindset Change Back to Normal By Dave Waters

It Will Take a Mindset Change to Find Growth and Normal Again! Organizational growth requires a mindset change. After two years of Covid, many question whether things will ever get back to normal and whether growth is even possible again. The short answer to this question is “yes, growth is possible.” I want to share…

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Theology of Engagement By Dr. Zenet Maramara

A Steward’s Engagement With the World The transformational role of the steward leader—in the church, ministries, and the marketplace—requires an understanding of the theology of engagement or the theology of public life as Charles Matthews calls it (Theology of Public Life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007). It is not just limited to direct political…

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Learn To Keep It Simple By Mark Neigh

Get Over the Complicated and Keep it Simple When you keep it simple things get easier, right? There’s an old rule of thumb that says 95% of the people only use 5% of the functions. This is never more true — as Donald Norman pointed out in his excellent book The Design of Everyday Things…

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