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A Soul Care Resolution By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

Did You Make a Resolution For Soul Care? Tis the season for making a resolution or two. We’ve all heard the standard ones: lose weight, get out of debt, eat less junk food, pray and read the Bible more often, etc. What about you? What resolutions have you made for this coming year?  Do any…

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The Remedy for Unreachable Goals By Lee Ellis

The Remedy for Unreachable Goals: 4 Ways to Lead with Honor More unrealistic goals handed down from leadership where I didn’t have any input. So, here we go again. Accept it and figure out how to make it happen. Now I’m trapped in a corner, so I’ll have to “lie, cheat, and steal” (as the…

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How Did You Celebrate Christmas? By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

Does God care how you celebrated Christmas? Christmas is almost all over now— except for the January blues of paying the bills. How did you do? How did you survive all the rushed shopping, social events, delayed shipping, and gift returns? For most of us, our Christmas celebrations end up being dominated by stuff, you…

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Last Call for 2019!

Today is the Last Call for 2019! Today is the last day in 2019 for you to make a year-end investments in a Kingdom-focused nonprofit. Will you make a difference by giving to Christian Leadership Alliance? For over 43 years, the Christian Leadership Alliance community has equipped and united leaders called to transform the world…

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Song of Simeon By W. Scott Brown

Insights from Simeon, his song and unshakable faith. A biblical character who has captured my attention this Christmas season is Simeon. I find his faith remarkable, his obedience inspiring and his joy contagious. We learn of Simeon’s expectant devotion to God in the Gospel of Luke. Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon,…

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Equip Your Employees By Roby Walker

Equip Your Employees by Investing in Them The dictionary defines the word “equip” as “to make ready… to furnish for service or action by appropriate provisioning.” Equipping is the what. But how you equip varies by each individual and can be overwhelming to think about. Generational Differences And perhaps the best starting point is to…

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Change and the Workplace By Dr. Paul White

Understanding Change in the Workplace The biggest change to the workplace in the last decade has been the influx of millions of younger employees and the exodus of older generations. This shift has had a dynamic effect on the look, feel, and structure of workplace culture. Recent employee engagement surveys have found that employee satisfaction…

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The Necessity of Thanks By Rich Haynie

Practice “Thanks” and “Commending” Others There is joy in giving thanks. In this calling of identifying God’s provision of resources for His Kingdom work, we workers accentuate the absolute necessity to “thank” our financial partners/supporters. However, too many of these generous stewards of God’s resources are not thanked even once, much less several times as might…

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Stewards of Our Emotions By Howard Rich

Stewarding Our Emotions as a Leader In its essence, leading as a steward requires alignment with the will of the Father. Jesus demonstrated this through intense agony and overwhelming emotions in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46) the night before his crucifixion.  This passage of Scripture shines a bright light on the humanity of Jesus…

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