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How to Prepare for Future Success by Howard Rich

Stewards educate, equip, and empower others for future success. A test for a leader is how well she prepared her organization and people for success after she is no longer around.  A thoughtful leader will make sure she has a well thought-out and strategically implemented exit plan.  As much as we want to believe we…

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Rest is a Weapon By Beth Guckenberger

  Rest is a Weapon: Saying Yes to Still I was asked by one of my pastors to teach one Sunday in a series called “What Jesus Invites Us to.” I readily agreed. Then they said my Sunday would cover “Jesus Invites Us into Rest,” and I laughed out loud. The Struggle to Rest I…

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Transforming Wounds into Wisdom By David Sanford

Christian Leaders: Transforming Wounds into Wisdom Jolyn Davidson is a licensed psychotherapist in practice for over thirty years. Davidson has been a consultant for and trainer of leaders of non-profit ministries and for-profit organizations here and abroad. She is a consultant to practitioners of a variety of disciplines, contributing author to several psychotherapy books, and…

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Practical Creation Care by Jon Lewis

Stewards of God’s Creation As leaders, we are stewards of God’s creation. We all have a role to play in caring for what he has provided. Small Matters Have you ever been in a hotel where room service keeps replacing the little soap bars and shampoo tubes every day no matter if you’ve used up…

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5 Tips for Bringing Your Strategic Plan to Life by Tom Okarma

Does your strategic plan give life to your mission? Every nonprofit agency has a strategic plan, somewhere. Maybe in a file cabinet, on a credenza, on its website, but they have one. It’s there, you just have to search it out. The problem is, you’d never know it by the way so many just keep…

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Elusive Major Donors By Michael J. Brown

Cultivation is a Key to Unlocking Elusive Major Gifts We are blessed to live in a nation with a long history of a strong charitable culture.  Last year alone, $427Bn was given in U.S. philanthropy1. Interestingly, there have been significant changes in the philanthropic landscape that nonprofits need to be aware of.  For the first…

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When You Love a Prodigal By Judy Douglass

What does it mean to really love a prodigal? Loving a prodigal can be a long and desperate road, filled with fear, worry, anger, and self-recrimination. You wait for the phone call–will it be from jail or the hospital? You plead with your loved one, then threaten him. You search for help. You feel the…

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Producing and Multiplying Leaders By Alex McElroy

  Are you producing leaders who produce leaders? A lot can be gleaned about producing leader from baking. In both of these endeavors, if you don’t fully comprehend what you’re creating then you won’t know if you’re doing it right or wrong. The goal has to inform the process. One young lady wrote about an…

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Stewards Plan by Faith By Howard Rich

God builds your faith as you plan. Christians often feel a tension between developing a plan and faith, resulting in an artificial divide when it comes to making decisions as a steward of what God has entrusted into our care.  This tension plays itself out by implying that planning is a secular exercise and relying…

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Worry Less and Live More By Matt Fore

3 Ways to Worry Less and Live More Have you ever noticed how the phrase “Don’t worry about it,” gets thrown around like a legitimate solution to serious dilemmas? Maybe that’s just a way to change the subject and escape. “Why the long face Jim?” his friend Larry asked one day as they passed in…

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