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What Does Christian Really Mean? By Mark L Vincent

When an organization says it is “Christian,” it is quickly unclear whether it means: FOR Christians? BY Christians? FROM Christians? It gets further muddied by whether it is a B2B for other “Christian” entities, whether it is a ministry, service, or business, whether it primarily focuses on the Great Commission (evangelism) or the Great Commandment…

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Why is budgeting important? By Greg Henson

Why is budgeting important for Christians?   If you want a snapshot of where you are in your walk with Christ, pull out your budget and walk through it with a spiritual director, your pastor, and a fellow Christian who is not part of your family together, at the same time, in the same room.…

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It’s Like Velcro By David Wollen

It’s Like Velcro . . . Multi-Channel Strategies and Why They Matter Velcro is a simple concept. It’s nothing more than hundreds of little plastic hooks on one side and corresponding loops on the other. Get one hook through one loop and you’ll get a little lift. Connect enough of them and you can pick…

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Characteristics of Great Leaders By Scott Rodin

The Defining Characteristic of Great Leaders There is an age old discussion about whether great leaders are born great or made great. The former assumes that it is the intrinsic qualities of some people that make them great leaders. They cite charisma, confidence and character combined with the right IQ and EQ, accompanied by the…

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Know Why Your Words Matter By Scott Brown

  As Christian leaders our words matter. As leaders, the words we use matter. They can promote unity or stoke division, encourage or discourage, build up or tear down. The Apostle Paul captured the importance of our words in this admonition to the Colossian church: Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most…

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Redefining Successful By Rich Haynie

Will you contemplate and adjust to a new definition of successful? Some years ago as the president of our organization and I were boarding the aircraft, he posed this question: “Rich, how do we know when we are successful?”  In context, he was referring to the donor visits we were making on this particular trip. …

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Rich and Poor By Cameron Doolittle

How do we make sure that we do not honor the rich over the poor? Two Meetings, Two Perspectives In one week in Jakarta, I had two meetings: one with an Indonesian ministry leader, and one with an American lawyer. One kept asking for a grant and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The other…

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The Cycle of Contagious Generosity By Patrick Johnson

Applying the Cycle of Contagious Generosity Budget committees, fundraising goals, and donor campaigns are probably not the top three reasons you got into ministry. But they’re real, right? Because money issues often drive ministry decisions, we try to make sense of them with a linear paradigm of “x + y = z”. This annual giving…

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Work and Earning By Wes Willmer

How do we see work and earning in the bigger picture of our Christian faith? The world’s advice on earning leads you to disaster. It erodes your character and pillages your relationships. You fall into the trap of loving money and using people to accomplish your purposes. There’s a higher road you can take. I…

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Soul Care By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Soul Care and The Steward Leader On any given Monday morning I often find myself sitting at my desk reviewing my calendar, preparing a report for the board, and prioritizing all the tasks for the week. But lately, my attention is shifting. The more I define and explore leadership through the lens of a steward,…

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