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Intentionality By Mike Bonem

What happens when a leader shifts from wishful thinking to intentionality? By Mike Bonem~ “I’m looking forward to a season when I’m not dealing with personnel issues.” Those words, spoken by the executive pastor of a large church, still ring in my ears, even though that was years ago. I also remember my response: “This…

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Discerning a Reference By Ed Fry

Discerning a reference can be a two-edged sword. By Ed Fry ~ Reference checking is a common component of most search processes. It is often one of the final steps taken before a candidate is selected for a position and as such, there is a tendency to treat this function as a formality. Through years…

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Knowledge Stewards By Jon Hirst

Are you wired to be a good knowledge steward? By Jon Hirst~ My wife and I are raising our children to steward the resources that God has given them wisely. As we walk alongside them in that journey, I have realized that some stewardship responsibilities are easier to get your head around than others. For…

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God's Word for Labor Day

Reflections from God’s Word for Labor Day In celebration of Labor Day, we turn to God’s word. We pray you will take time today to meditate on these scriptures and sink into God’s perspective on work. May you see, in a new way, the significance of the work God has called you to do. These…

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Attention to Value By Mark L. Vincent

A Steward Leader Pays Attention to Value By Mark L. Vincent, PhD CCNL~ When you hear the phrase “maximize financial value” what does it mean to you? Making more profit? (Which feels problematic for many nonprofit and ministry leaders.) Squeezing maximum benefit of each dollar by reducing costs, and thus preserving a bank balance? (Something…

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Stewarding Health Care By Donna Lively

Learn three strategies for stewarding health care dollars. By Donna Lively ~ In my role as director of insurance plans for GuideStone Financial Resources.  I work with many pastors and ministry leaders who are concerned about their ability to maintain high-quality employee health coverage. These individuals are battling the double whammy of rapidly rising health care…

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Principled Pluralism: An interview with Dr. D. Michael Lindsay

Principled Pluralism: Dr. D. Michael Lindsay shares his perspective on grace, truth and freedom. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) President and CEO, Tami Heim, recently interviewed Dr. D. Michael Lindsay, president of Gordon College. Located near Boston,  Gordon offers a distinctive blend: an outstanding, nationally ranked liberal arts college with an intentionally Christ-centered community. Religious liberty…

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Defining Characteristics By Kent R. Wilson

Today we explore the five defining characteristics of a steward leader. By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ In your role as a steward leader in a nonprofit organization, you lead with a different mindset than an owner-operator. You know that you are there to lead the organization to accomplish its mission for the benefit of…

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Go Viral By Dan Glaze

Why is it so important to make your ministry go viral? By Dan Glaze ~ I believe that when we get to Heaven there will be a very special place for the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Gospel. And sometimes I jokingly tell my friends who are in the…

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Life is Full of Lessons By Suzy West

Life is full of lessons. Handle them with care. Really! I love a new project – especially one that will utilize my gifts but also challenges me in the process. God knows this. He created me the way I am. But I’m also a sinful creature that can be too self-assured at times. “Tough project,…

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