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On Mission: An Interview with Samuel Chiang

An Interview with Samuel Chiang Reverend Samuel Chiang, president and chief executive officer of  The Seed Company, is on mission. In this interview with Christian Leadership Alliance president and chief executive officer, Tam Heim, Reverend Chaing shares his perspective on the opportunity we have before us to bring God’s Word to the world. This is…

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Are You An Authentic Replica? By Billy Burnett

By Billy Burnett ~ If your life could be an authentic replica of someone great, who would it be? Around 30 years ago there was a television commercial in which a popular singer was used to produce a certain pitch that would shatter a fine glass. then a voice-over would ask: “Is it live, or…

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Steward Your Intellect By Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent ~ If you are a steward leader, how do you steward your intellect? Does that go without saying? Perhaps. And yet, acknowledging this is true is not the same as doing the work of expanding one’s base of knowledge, deliberately reducing thinking errors, distinguishing between personal preferences and timeless wisdom, cultivating…

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Serving Leaders By Ken Jennings

By Ken Jennings Ph.D. ~ Just serve them! That’s how Serving Leaders help their people achieve greatness. And that matters because it takes great people to make an organization great. While some may consider this ‘serving’ approach paradoxical, it was the exact approach Jesus taught his disciples. He said to them, “My cup you shall…

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Developing Strategic Donor Campaigns by Douglas Shaw

By Douglas K. Shaw ~ In developing strategic donor campaigns, we need biblical stewardship principles to navigate this new world. The overarching principle is that we are, for a fact, using every channel available to us, in the most effective way. And just as every channel is unique, so is every ministry. Because we are…

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What Faith Requires by Cyrus Nowrasteh

By Cyrus Nowrasteh ~  Often in life you discover what faith requires is great perseverance and a miracle to accomplish what you are called to do. Many obstacles had to be overcome to bring this beautiful story of The Young Messiah to film. From book to script to screen it has taken nearly six years.…

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A Pauline Perspective on Locating Best Practices by Dr. Gary Hoag

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. ~ What is a Pauline perspective on locating best practices? Every winter for more than a decade I have facilitated a research project with a peer group of evangelical seminary leaders. We share various data points linked to advancement—ranging from communications to development—and analyze insights that surface in the findings.…

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Give It To Me Straight By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin There are merits to candor in the Christian workplace, especially when we have the courage to say, “Give it to me straight.’ Last year I transitioned from the corporate world to a Christian nonprofit, realizing a life-long dream to apply my love for marketing and communications to a wonderful ministry. I…

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Unity Matters To God By Tami Heim

By Tami Heim As a Christian leader, you know unity matters to God. Throughout Scripture you see the evidence of God moving his people towards oneness with him. Through his covenant with Abraham, God makes the ultimate promise that seals and leads to salvation, redemption and reconciliation. And that promise was fulfilled through the birth,…

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Leadership Lesson: Thanksgiving By Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson~ Leadership Lesson: Thanksgiving Did you ever notice that you avoid negative people? Those toxic relationships sap your energy and affect your outlook on life.  One of the keys to happiness is to connect with positive people. If you’re trying to motivate yourself, refuse to dwell on negative thoughts. Focus on the things…

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