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The Pastor and The Kingdom Path by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. In The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes, Scott Rodin, Wes Willmer, and I announce that we are praying for a great awakening today in the church and the parachurch. Specifically related to pastors, we are exhorting them to abandon cultural definitions of success. These are often reported in…

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13 Ways to LIFT Your Leadership

Tension is growing around the world. More than ever God is placing Christian leaders in situations that require bold faith and the strength to stand unshaken in the midst of fierce cultural winds. Now is the time for all leaders to be steadfast in prayer, study of the Word, and deliberately invest in their leadership.…

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What Is Your Identity? by Wes Willmer

By Wes Willmer As followers of Christ we are to be in this world but not of this world. If we are just passing through, should our identity be with Christ, or this world.  Our identity is formed by the union of our soul with God—or in the apostles phrase “it is Christ formed within…

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15 Workshops to Expand Your Fundraising Expertise

For many nonprofit organizations, raising financial support in such a time as this is essential if life changing ministry goals are to be met. At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, you will find 15 workshops designed to expand your fundraising expertise. High-profile consultants, well-known professionals, and diverse ministry practitioners, that have a history of…

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Mobilizing the Next Generation by David Kinnaman

By David Kinnaman Every organization has a worldview. In part, such worldviews consist of assumptions that are self-?evidently true to those working for the enterprise. They are ?so much a part of us that we don’t have to think about them; ?in fact, we don’t think about them, which is why we call ?them assumptions!…

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Ash Wednesday: The Time of Preparation Begins by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. This blog post falls one of the most important day in the Christian church calendar, Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of a forty day preparation time leading up to holy week and the culminating celebration of Easter Sunday. This time of preparation is referred to as Lent and…

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Stewardship is Personal by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich A few weeks ago I attended a small gathering of Christians to learn about and discuss stewardship.  Following the conference my wife and I set out on our long drive back to our home.  We had purchased this house a little over two months ago, but we had not moved in yet. …

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10 Keys to a Strong Nonprofit Organization by Tom Okarma

By Tom Okarma While all ministries are different from one another and have their own unique characteristics, the ones that consistently impact their chosen niches in a positive way and generate successful outcomes are those performing well in several common, important areas. They may not be “best in class” candidates in any of them but…

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CNLA: Equipping Nonprofit Leaders

Christian Nonprofit Leadership Academy 2015 Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Christian Nonprofit Leadership Academy (CNLA) as one of the many leadership training experiences offered at The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015. CNLA is an extensive academic experience for equipping nonprofit leaders. This year,  CLA offers 8 class options that last 12.5-hours each over a 2-day…

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Washington Watch: Charitable Tax Policy Trends | An Interview by Laura Leonard

An Interview by Laura Leonard Outcomes recently spoke with Rhett Butler, director of government relations at Gammon & Grange Consulting, LLC (GGC). Butler has more than 18 years of government relations and federal government experience in Washington, D.C. What is the goal of the Faith & Giving Coalition, and how can Christian leaders engage? Ministries…

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