15 Workshops to Expand Your Fundraising Expertise
For many nonprofit organizations, raising financial support in such a time as this is essential if life changing ministry goals are to be met. At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, you will find 15 workshops designed to expand your fundraising expertise. High-profile consultants, well-known professionals, and diverse ministry practitioners, that have a history of achieving results, teach these Resource Development workshops.
Workshops are 90-minutes long, interactive, include handouts and earn you CPE credits. Presenters challenge you to think higher about the stewardship of fundraising and how unleashing generosity in others can have unprecedented impact on Kingdom outcomes.
In 2015, The Outcomes Conference offers more workshops in this category than any other. And now, here are the 15 fundraising-focused workshops that will absolutely elevate your thinking, skills, and results.
1. Resource Development Opening Exchange Workshop
- Tara Cox, Senior Grants Development Consultant Dickerson, Bakker & Associates
3. Small Ministry Fundraising Tools
- Mike Bates, Director of Development Salem Free Clinics
- Dan Bolin, International Director Christian Camping International Worldwide
4. Kingdom Resources for Kingdom Impact
- Eric Curtiss, MBA, CCNL, Chief Operating Officer Christian Associates International
- Dudley Callison, LPC, CCNL, President/CEO Christian Associates International
5. Going Big with Planned Giving
- Mike Buwalda, President/Founder Money for Ministry
- Karen Layland, Director, Communications & Stewardship Education Barnabas Foundation
6. Creating a Culture of Engagement
- Nicole Johansson, MBA, Vice President of Development OneHope
- Denise Kuhn, CFRE, Principal OneAccord Nonprofit
8. Aligning Faith and Fundraising
- Wesley K. Willmer, Ph.D, CCNL, Member, CLA Advisory Council, Past Member, CLA & ECFA boards
- Gary Hoag, Ph.D., Spiritual and Strategic Counsel Generosity Monk
9. Diversifying Missions Funding
- Arnie Adkison, Chief Advancement Officer TEAM
- Jerry Grimes, Sr. Development Consultant Advocace
- David Hollenbaugh, Sr. Consultant Advocace
11. Capital Campaign Strategies
- Patrick G. McLaughlin, Founder and President The Timothy Group
12. How to Find and Cultivate Major Donors
- William High, J.D., CEO National Christian Foundation, Heartland
13. Making Agency Partnerships Work
- Christopher J. Doyle, VP/Client Services Lead Brewer Direct, Inc.
14. Reversing the Decline in Christian Giving
- Bob Westfall, CEO The Westfall Group
- Alan Gold, CEO Westfall Gold
- Guy Richards, CEO ABIAH
If you have not already registered for The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, there’s still time. And remember – if you are a CLA member and register four people at the same time, you earn a fifth one FREE. It’s a great way to invest in your leadership when you bring the entire team.
You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. – Deuteronomy 15:10