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What Fuels Charitable Intermediaries? By Tony DiFranco

Corporate Citizenship Fuels Charitable Intermediaries Over the past decade, there has been an enormous increase in the number of companies engaged in charitable-giving initiatives as they strive for a reputation of an organization that gives back to its communities. Many credit the rise in corporate citizenship to the millennial generation. Corporate donations translate into goodwill,…

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The Story that Connects by Jamie Janosz and Pete Distler

Telling the Old, Old Story in a Digital World Today, you have an important story to tell. Yet, when confronted with media clutter and useless digital meandering on mobile devices, you may ask, “How can our story, God’s story, connect with those who need to hear it most?” While some fundraisers and marketers are tasked…

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What's Impact Got to Do With It?

Impact has a lot to do with you. Faith-based nonprofits have visions and missions that guide the ‘why and how’ of their desired impact. If you serve in one, then perhaps you already recognize the significance of your leadership and your personal impact when it comes to achieving the ministry’s mission. United  Christian Leadership Alliance…

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Trust is Essential By Howard Rich

Trust is Essential to the Steward By Howard Rich – Trust is a scary thing, requiring me to become vulnerable and open to criticism, which may result in hurt feelings, pain, and frustration. However, I know my life is probably less vibrant and fulfilling because I failed to trust people God put in my path…

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10 Keys to a Strong Nonprofit Organization by Tom Okarma

By Tom Okarma While all ministries are different from one another and have their own unique characteristics, the ones that consistently impact their chosen niches in a positive way and generate successful outcomes are those performing well in several common, important areas. They may not be “best in class” candidates in any of them but…

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